Chapter 23

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"W-we were coming to talk to you about it." Louis tried.

"So Harry is pregnant. How did the press find this out?" Richard gasped.

"We don't know! We went to the hospital or a check up but we haven't told anyone he is pregnant but Amy or Niall" Louis said, biting his nails. Niall surely wouldn't tell the press. Amy is a possibility.

"Then when we're you going to tell us about it? You are infertile and it's impossible for you to have children" Richard groaned. Louis felt a large pang in the centre of his chest as angry tears filled his vision.

"Don't you fucking dare say that to me! Yes, I know I am infertile. Harry and I's baby is out one in million chanced baby! Having he or she wasn't planned, we didn't even know it was possible so before you have a go at me just remember that I thought this was impossible too" Louis shouted.

He heard Richard sigh heavily as a tear slipped down his cheek. "Just come into the office tomorrow, we both need a huge talk about this" Richard demanded and then hung up straight away. Louis sighed and hit his hand against the marble of the counters.

"Fucks sake" he muttered under his breath and then felt arms wrap around his torso and a head perched on his shoulder.

"What's wrong, babe?" Harry mumbled deeply. Louis just shook his head and pulled away from his hold so he could start their dinner.

"I'll tell you later, Niall texted me earlier that he and Amy were coming round for tea." Louis told him. Harry sighed heavily and sat at the island.

"M'kay then" he whined and watched as Louis began cooking the dinner.


Harry opened the door and welcomed Amy and Niall. "Hey" he smiled and hugged Niall with one arm and pecking Amy's cheek with her other.

"You!" Louis shouted as soon as they walked in, pointing past Niall and to Amy. She frowned.

"Me?" She asked and pointed to her chest. Louis frowned, holding the bowl of salad by his side, looking like a proper house wife.

"You told the press that Harry was pregnant. How dare you!" He spoke with a tone that sounded intimidating and cruel. Harry gasped and glanced at Niall and then to Amy.

"Wh-what? I didn't" she gasped. Louis kept staring at her, keeping his gaze scary. "It doesn't matter anyway, the world was going to find out anyway p." She rolled her eyes.

"Out of my house" Louis said nastily. She tensed and then turned around, opening the door for herself and slamming it afterwards.

Louis sighed and put his salad bowl on the side table by the door and looked at his trembling boyfriend.

"Harry, calm down. You can't stress too much, you'll harm pumpkin" Louis said, holding his wrists in his smaller hands as Harry took in shaky breaths.

"Harry" Niall whispered, walking up to Harry and patting his back. He looked down at Niall and nodded, taking in calmer breaths. "Let's eat" he said.

The couple nodded, leading Niall into their kitchen. "Wow! What a house" Niall gasped in appreciation.

"Yeah, well. We decided to tell the family about pumpkin unless they haven't found out already by the press" Harry sighed.

"Yeah, that seems like a good idea. What's for dinner?" Niall asked. Louis pointed at the pan.

"Chicken dinner" Louis answered. Niall cheered loudly and put a green bean into his mouth. Harry chuckled at the blondes behaviour.

Once dinner was ready, Harry had set the table while Niall sat texting one of his friends back in Ireland and Louis used the toilet. "So, have you and Louis thought of baby names yet?" Niall asked.

Harry chewed on his roast potato and sipped on his drink. "Um, not yet. It's early days, I'm just hoping I can make it through the first twelve weeks without a miscarriage" Harry frowned.

"Don't think like that mate, it won't happen. Think of your future more then that" Niall consoled. Harry nodded thoughtfully.

"I've always liked the name Tobias or Elijah for a boy. You know, a little Toby or Eli running around" Harry said fondly as Louis walked in, sitting next to Niall.

"What you talking about?" Louis asked. Harry smiled and giggled as he shovelled some chicken into his mouth.

"Baby names." Niall said bluntly. Louis almost choked on his water.

"Uh, what?" He gasped. Harry rolled his eyes and tapped his passcode into his phone.

"Baby names your numb skull. What was it Haz? Elijah or Tobias right, for a boy?" Niall asked.

Harry nodded shyly. "Yeah, I-I thought they were nice" he blushed as he opened his safari app.

"They, they're perfect" Louis smiled widely. "What about girl names?" He asked Harry.

Harry looked in deep thought as he racked his brain for names. "Anne, Eden or Delilah" Harry mumbled, a blush covering his cheeks again.

"Aw, Eden as in the Eden's trust?" Niall asked. Harry flashed his dimples at him cheekily and then looked at Louis.

"They are all so beautiful, babe. I don't know how we will choose," he gasped. Niall and Harry chuckled as Harry typed his name into Google.

The top result came up from Sugarscape.

Harry Styles is having a baby! Congratulations Larry Stylinson!

"Fuck" he muttered and then went to his contacts. "The media know" Harry told Niall and Louis. He huffed and called his mother as Louis called his, Niall decided to call his mum too because he felt left out.

"Yeah, yes I am mummy" Harry smiled as he whispered an answer to Anne's question.

"Oh sweetheart. Please come home, Robin and I miss you so much and I want to feel your baby bump" Anne sniffled, obviously crying.

"We will come as soon as possible, mum." Harry said as he watched Niall from the balcony, using a lot of hand movements as he spoke.

"Thank you, I love you Harry. So much" she chuckled.

"Love you too, mummy" he smiled.

After the phone calls and Niall had gone home, Louis and Harry had a quick shower together and then hopped into their bed, Louis falling into a deep sleep almost immediately.


"Shh, darling. It's okay" Louis cooed to his three week old baby girl. "I know, you don't like having your nappy changed but it has to happen, my beautiful baby girl" Louis said fondly as he dug out the pink onesie.

The baby whined as he lifted up her tiny little legs and bottom to slip on the clothes. He buttoned it up while talking quietly to himself, "stuffed with mozzarella".

He then grabbed her blanket and started swaddling the small child, "wrapped in Parma ham".

He picked her up and walked to the crib where Harry stood, kissing his daughters tiny forehead as Louis rocked her side to side.

Harry watched as Louis placed her gently into the crib, moving the cuddly toys down to the bottom of the crib, by her feet.

"With a side of homemade mash"

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