Chapter 31

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Louis stood in the middle of the room, the door slowly closing after Harry had left. Even though they had argued, Harry still said that he loved him. Louis whined and sat down on the floor, deciding to sprawl all over it and let out a long, exasperated groan. After a while, he grabbed the bags from Universal Studios and opened them. He pulled out the small teddy bear that wore a red shirt with 'Thing one' written in a white circle. He thumbed over the material and held it close to his chest, smiling and looking like a child himself.

He set the teddy down, thinking of how perfect it would look in Tobias' crib. He reached over to the other bag and pulled out the gift he had bought for Harry. It wasn't actually from Universal Studios, no, it was from down town disney and it was a engagement ring that had tiny Mickey mouse logo engraved into it. It was sterling silver too, so his finger wouldn't go a dirty green looking colour.

Louis ended up sitting on the couch, talking to Lottie. "I like your hair by the way. It looks good blue, matches our eyes" He told her.

"Thanks, Lou." She said as he heard screaming coming from the other line. He bit his nails as she heard Lottie cooing to the crying baby. "How's Harry?" she asked afterwards.

"Good, I think. We had a bit of an argument earlier and he was craving his peanut butter and apple so he has gone out to buy some." He mumbled as he heard laughter from next door.

"Oh, what was it about?" she asked. Louis sighed and walked to the bedroom, flopping down and laying on the queen bed.

"He was just getting irritated at his lack of independence because I didn't let him go to Universal Studio's with us" He replied. Lottie gasped loudly and Louis winced, making him feel just as guilty.

"And I understand why. Lou, it's Universal Studios!" She said. "Take him to Disney tomorrow to at least make it a bit better, like a date between just you and him" She offered. Louis bit his lip in doubt.

"But it will be busy and he might get hurt" He replied.

"Harry is pregnant, he still has a life and if you aren't letting him go out and see the daylight then that will give strain on your relationship and besides, he is in a boy band that are performing in front of thousands almost every night. Relax yourself" she said.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm going to buy us room service I think, get him his favourite since it's on the menu" Louis replied.

"Good idea. I have to go now though. Good luck" She smiled and then hung up. Louis dropped his phone on the table and dialled the room order number on the hotel's phone. He ordered Harry's grilled chicken burger and ordered himself a steak along with coca cola and a beer. It came ten minutes later and Louis had set it up, sat at the table on the balcony from where you could see the Epcot centre in the distance.

"Lou?" He heard Harry shout. Louis jumped up and came into the lounge, walking over to him and taking Harry's bags. "Sorry I was so long, there were fans" He said. Louis just nodded and hugged him quickly before grabbing his hand and leading him to the balcony.

"I got us room service and the man said that the fireworks at the epcot centre start around this time and since you could't come to universal studios then we will go to disney tomorrow to make up for it, just me and you" He rambled. Harry smiled and nodded, sitting down in front of his meal and looking out into the distance.

"Thank you, sunshine" He smiled widely, unpacking his bag and putting his tub of peanut butter on the table as well as a bag of apples he had bought, making Louis chuckle at the boys antics. They ate in silence for a couple of minutes before flinching at the sounds of fireworks in the distance. They chuckled at each other and ate their food, flirting and touching each other sneakily like when they were back in their honeymoon stage.

They relaxed into their seats and watched the fireworks. Harry was sat on Louis' lap, it seems like it would be awkward and difficult but somehow, it worked. "You're really calm" Harry said, out of the blue.

"Hm, I had my ADHD tablets boosted up, only a bit though" He whispered. Harry nodded and pushed his nose into Louis' collarbone, kissing it and nibbling at it softly. "Haz?" Louis whispered.

"You are so perfect" Harry mumbled against it, sucking the skin and blowing over it. Louis' breathing got more laboured as he kissed his collar. "Stand up" Harry ordered. He did so and walked into the lounge that also was the kitchen. He giggled and watched as Harry skipped over to the kitchen, pulling down his jeans and pulling off his shirt, revealing his little bump.

Louis smiled when he saw it, walking over to him and running his hands down his torso before pulling off his own clothes, pulling his underwear with it. Harry jumped onto the counter, opening his legs wide so Louis could stand between them. Louis smiled up at him flirtatiously and put his hands on his thighs, rubbing their groins together as best they could.

Harry pulled Louis close to him, pressing his lips to his and slipping in his tongue immediately. He moaned when he felt Louis' hand grip his dick tightly before moving it up his shaft. "Such a slut, Haz. Being jacked off on a kitchen counter" Louis chuckled sexually. Harry moaned at his words as Louis flicked his wrist that made Harry clench onto the counter.

"God," he groaned as Louis kissed his pecks, sucking at his nipple, leant down slightly so he could access them. Harry's breathing became laboured as he neared his high, he soon came spurting into Louis' hand and partially onto the floor.

"God, you are so hot." Louis whispered, swapping his hand from Harry's co-k to his own, moving it up and down, leaning his head onto his chest and becoming weak at the knees just as he was about to cum. He ended up coming on the doors of the cabinet underneath what Harry was sat on.

"You're beautiful" Harry whispered back, Louis ended up blushing furiously as he wiped off his hand. "I made you blush, I am the man!" Harry cheered. Louis just rolled his eyes, accepting the fact that he was in fact the girl in the relationship, even if the 'man' was pregnant.

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