born in blood

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Macy stood shocked as she read both Lilly Shay's and
that of Marie Grimm, all the color left her face
as a figure in cast in only shadow moved quickly past her shutting down the power, leaving Macy in total darkness
Macy was held still by her own fear of that dead silence pin drop, some might say
until it was broken broken
by an unknown voice

unknown hello Macy, why are you risking yourself for them
his held malicious Intent
you may answer or die .
Macy held on to a small thumb drive
Macy, she is good to me
unknown poor little Macy doesn't Hannah as well as she thought sending you out alone now just look at yourself oh wait I cut the power give me that thumb drive you took and I will let you go
Macy, promise me whoever you are
unknown, it's not up to me anymore
Macy, no stop, please, aa
her screaming only fueled the killer blood lust
unknown, are you done, sir
no, I want my daughters
unknown um, every time we have tried one ends up dead sir the men are talking some crazy shit
like what
unknown, they are talking mutiny
interesting, they can try to let them know the consequences of their actions now get out of my face and get my daughters.

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