A Sisters Advice

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Lisa, it's been a minute. What brings you all the way out here comes in sit down
Eric, I'm in desperate need of your what is that your reading point
Lisa I Wil killed ten different ways with my plastic spork
Lisa, it's called my seven protectors it's a wattpad book
I may have gotten the name wrong, but this book is good
so tell me why you are here
Eric, you must have heard about that reporter by now
Lisa, yes, who hasn't? You'd have to be living on the ass end of the planet, not to what about her.
Eric, I think she may have had a run-in with beachside killer
Lisa, wait to pump your breaks
how would she or bettter question why she would go after a dangerous man.
Eric Jennifer felt like Maggie's death was her fault for going along with a lie .
Lisa, the one the thing I know as well you is how things like this are handled they bury the truth .
they can change short hills name to whatever they want it will not change those ass holes at the top
Eric, do you think there is even a remote chance that Jennifer is still alive.
Lisa was sure if she dropped the story and left the beachside
if not, there's no way of knowing. We just wait
Eric, wait for what
Lisa, the inevitable, so what advice were you looking for
to do with what Jennifer had dropped off at my house.
Lisa, you know damn well the beachside police will sweep whatever you have under the rug
Eric, so what? Just do nothing
Lisa, I never said that you have choices here. The state police
sure, they will help, but the question will be when
the FBI has an office here in town, and they will look into it.
they may not be sister's in the
biological sence but they remain inseparable

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