A Fool's Wish

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after I saw what was in that container I made the expected calls the one I never did dared to call was number to Ben Mason's home I found out he was married and an infant at his home my call would disrupt whatever peace his wife may have
new babies can be a handful
I found myself hoping wishing those body parts and blood are not Ben's but my grandmother said hopes and wishing will are a fools errands both can be snuffed out before you begin to understand why grandmother was not the nicest woman on earth but she also had her kind side that rarely dared to show especially to me grandmother got stuck with me after my own mother's murder she died a horrific death at the hands of the beachside killer back before
this shitty town had grand name change as if that will fix what's really wrong here
I know the body parts belonged to Ben Mason
yet I keep hoping they belong to someone else.
shay's car pulled up into Marie's driveway. The last of the investigation had just left
Lilly, okay, talk to me
Marie handed Lilly a copy of the note the killer had written
he knows you, Marie
I'd show this to whoever is over your bosses head before
he kills you. I have a really bad feeling I've had since yesterday
Marie, do you live alone still
Lilly, yeah, why do you
Marie we are fucked

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