She Vanished

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Hello sir, I'm Officer Lilly Shay
your maid said you need some help finding your daughter.
Mr James, yes, her name is Maggie, her mother and Maggie. Well, they are not on the best of terms
Shay, please do not get offended by my set of questions. Your answers may help me locate your daughter
Mr.hame, if they are fine
Shay, how bad was this argument
MrJames well it got pretty bad when Maggie asked if she could attend her best friends birthday party. I personally thought that Maggie needed that so she could mingle with kids her age
Shay, so Maggie didn't get out much
Mr.james unfortunately not enough or with people her age
Shay, okay, so she is basically here. Is that what you're saying
Mr.james yes when she should have been out with her friends brining guys home I wouldn't approve of normal stuff her childhood was practically not there the only way Maggie got to be herself was if that mother of her wasn't  constantly on her about one thing or another she was only her mother because she gave her.
Shay, now please don't take this next question wrong .
Mr James cut officer Shay
no, she is not my biological daughter, but I have always felt like her biological father
Shay would mind if
I question your maids
Mr.james no they all have been nothing but motherly to Maggie.
Shay Bella, who is Fiona.
Bella, she is Maggie's personal
maid or mother figure along with myself good, I can question you both.
Fiona. hello officer
I just need you to sign this waver it gives me permission to ask you questions without your lawyer present
Fiona layman
Shay. tell me about Maggie and her mother in their relationship.
Fiona Maggie and her mother how can describe their relationship to be honest MrsJames hated Maggie she would put the girl down any chance she got Maggie won awards at school her mother never once showed up at the ceremony Bella oh yes she did you were away helping your father
Shay, what happened
Bella she showed up drunk on the arm of a man not her father she stumbled her way over to a terrified and embarrassed Maggie and slurring something very hurtful and disgusting her mother found ways of bringing her down or holding
her back
Shay, were the police called
Bella, I believe they were
Shay. good, that means there are names
Bella name?
Shay, the man who escorted Mrs James to Maggie's award ceremony
Fiona, do you think some one night stand would hurt Maggie
Shay, there's no telling what a stranger is capable of. Hopefully, he is one of harmless bed hopping fools
okay, this information is good
I'll be calling in a few days
take care of Mr. James, you guys are the only ones keeping him grounded.

Mr.James is about to experience a nightmare
he couldn't have seen coming.

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