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Marie, have you guys figured anything about those bones
Catherine, yes, we did. The bones were female
Marie, tell me something I don't already know
Catherine, calm down
Come see this scan we took
the scan of skeletal remains
what truly amazed me was the tendons see they were hardly disturbed
Marie, that's fascinating and entertaining, but how does that prove cause of death
Catherine, oh, it doesn't, but this does notices this deep
scaring on the ribs, someone used a sharp heavy blade to do that the blade likely went went between these ribs on
her left side, she probably was dead before she hit the floor
oh, another thing whoever killed this woman made it personal he snapped her neck
and causing internal decapitation .

Marie, so how long was she in the garden
Catherine, whoever did this was no fool using acid to melt the flesh off off her made it impossible to determine when she was murdered but
this murder was recent
our dna specialist just texted me the results on the body
Grimm, well, let's find who this poor woman was so I can possibly find out why
Catherine, I would not want your job killers don't need a reason they just do it.

The Short Hills murdersWhere stories live. Discover now