I can help

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Eric Jennifer Richardson ?
Jennifer, I'm here to see Lyle James
Lyle stood. I'm here. What do you think you can do
Jennifer, well, first, let me apologize on behalf of my co-workers if we didn't give this monster so much air time
Lyle, never mind that for now, tell me how you can help.
Jennifer, well, against my better judgment, I followed this man or more like stalking him, and I discovered where he kills
Lyle explains why the damn police couldn't figure out where Maggie was murdered
Jennifer, it gets worse he had just murdered someone I couldn't see who without the killer seeing me .
I noticed his van by Cross Man
park, I believe that is his dumpling ground
Lyle, why not tell the cheif of police this
Eric she probably went there without the consent of her bosses
Jennifer, it's true, but I have a plan to draw him out
Lyle, you're gonna put Target on your back that says kill me
Jennifer Eric here has friends all over in the right places, and we will get justice for Maggie .

People really inserting themselves where they don't belong

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