in his own words

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I'm Gina Norwood
and this is your local braking news
earlier today, our network received a rather horrifying note this contained photos all to graphic for TV, but mainly out of respect for the victims and their families, we turned both the photos to the FBI and local authorities
we haven't heard back from the local police department yet, but the FBI director contacted us and told us to read his notes, but nothing more

hello media whore rumor spreading ass hats
I'm writing this note to your viewers
no I'm not who everyone says however I am related to him
I've warn the police about hunting me they chose to ignore me
if they continue to hunt I will continue to kill.
the Beachside killer

Gina, now FBI psychologists, say this individual may be more dangerous than even though they thought
nobody has a clue as to who this individual is, what makes him more Dangerous is they never caught the original killer more on this at eleven.

oh, please, to graphic, those reporters love to censor the facts

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