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doctor, I'm Marie Grimm. I need the condition of a patient of yours
name of the patient
Marie oh sorry Lilly Shay, she's police officer
okay, Officer Shay is lucky. It's very lucky if we're anywhere else. You'd likely be planning shay's funeral
Marie, a bit of a negative outlook for a doctor
I do not sugar coat or give false hope now if there's nothing more I have other patients to attend to
Marie wait when will you be releasing Shay
In a few days, we want to be sure no internal issues arise
Marie, okay, thank you

Marie Shay, are you awake
Shay yeah Marie that woman said you made contact with the killer
Marie, well, she clearly was telling you a big steaming bag of shit what did she say her name was take your time
Shay Melissa Golden she said she was with the prosecutors office.
Marie, there are only three currently in that area, and none of them are female
Shay, who is she, then Melissa
said something to me before stabbing me. god, that hurt
Marie, I can only imagine what you must have felt, so what did she say
nurse, this is just a little something for your pain. From now on, press this button, okay
Shay, thank you
Marie, what did she say
Shay who
Marie, oh my god, those drugs
Melissa, what did she say
Shay, she said never assume
I can't remember the rest
is she the killer
Marie hell no she was likely some dumb bitch the killer hired we are getting closer
to catching him now he's using desperate measures
Shay don't let your gaurd down at all .

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