getting answers

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Logan's daughter lent him her husbands car to get around

Logan's mood was not the best it not going to get any better now.

Logan, good morning everyone no fine childish bunch of ass holes
agent Grimm, that was not nice
Logan, I'm in no mood for your shit today
Grimm, sit down and shut up. You will listen, and you will answer my questions
Logan sat down
Grimm, tell me about this note and the fire or fires your car went up flames as well
if you had a suspect, why didn't you move on it
I couldn't destroy the man's life because one of my officers thinks she knows it all
Grimm officer Shay, she's the officer who went out alone to find detective Melvin she found blood and a torso, yet you told her to drop it
Logan, the killer, left a note basically saying if we stop hunting him, he stops killing
Grimm, who did you suspect
to be the killer to be
Logan, I have no idea
Grimm. then why try and pull Detective Melvin off the case he is one of your best homicide detectives
Logan, let's just say Melvin acts odd at times
Grimm, how well do you know Melvin on and off the job
well, he speaks very little about his life only to say that he was adopted he has a biological brother that his parents put into some orphanage
Grimm, so Melvin had a good family
Logan, I did not dig into the man's personal life
Grimm, maybe if you did, the killer would have been caught
Logan what
Grimm, you said Melvin has a biological brother
Logan, okay, and
Grimm, give me his name. We will take care of the rest
Logan, you're not going to believe me, but his name is
Lyle James
Grimm, what the actual fuck

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