A father's rage

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Lyle received something in a large manilla envelope from some kid on a bike. Lyle politely thanked the kid and then tipped the a twenty it was cold and raining outside. The kid seemed happy and left
as I began reading what was in the envelope, a rage flowed through me one like I've never felt before, yet I couldn't stop reading this report .
I tried to imagine I was reading about some stranger, but it didn't work. My daughters name would pop up throughout hershe did in an unspeakable way, then buried
In a shallow grave for a dog to dig up.
and to add insult to injury
a note attached
stating MrLyle James is not be contacted untill notified
by the lead detective on this case

what is left for me to come home to my wife? what a joke
she probably wanted Maggie dead all along
but why would she do such

just as Lyle finished reading that report, his wife came home. The rage built up more
a murderous rage.

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