Elijah does not like being helped!

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Lucas tucks Asher in and he heads to the living room. He sees Elijah and Nathan's dad heading to his room. He hugs Elijah and tells him that Asher is out for the night. Elijah asks for him to move Asher to his bed when they get done showering. Lucas says they will talk about it and Elijah and the dad make it to his room.

They grab Elijah some clothes, and they make their way to the shower. They close the bathroom door, and they will talk while they get ready to shower. Dad will be for Nathan and Carter's dad(D). Elijah(E). 

(D) Ok, do you need help taking your clothes off?

(E) I think I got it. 

(D) Ok go at your speed. 

(E) Thank you for helping. 

(D) That is what we are here for. You help our boys more than anyone else. We are here to help you too buddy. 

Elijah smiles and takes his clothes off. Their dad takes his clothes off and steps in the shower with Elijah. He helps wash Elijah off and he lets Elijah decide where he needs help washing. They finish up and they dry off. They slide their clothes on and go and sit on the bed. The dad takes the wet bandages off and puts two new dry ones on and makes sure they are snug and tight. He grabs all the discarded materials, and he throws them away. He comes back over, and he sits on the bed with Elijah, the two will talk.  

(D) Are you ok?

(E) I am feeling better. Thank you for helping. 

(D) You're welcome, I can come over and help anytime you need help. I know your brothers are more than capable of helping. I just needed to check you out and make sure you were ok. I knew you all three would check Asher out. Someone had to check you out though. 

(E) Do you think he is going to be mad at me?

(D) Who?

(E) Asher. 

(D) No baby, he loves you and he was so scared. He just wanted to be by you. This was not your fault. I already ordered a copy of the police report, and I started the insurance claim. 

(E) You did?

(D) Yes, I hope that does not make you angry. I had a picture of your license, and the insurance company was on the police report. I called them and filled everything out and I told them that a car ran through the red light and hit you. I sent them the police report. They said they needed you to call tomorrow and speak with them. They said that you have rental insurance through your policy, and you could go and pick up a rental car as soon as they spoke to you. 

(E) Thank you for helping us. This is our first accident. 

(D) I am glad and hopefully it will be your last accident. 

(E) I hope so too. 

(D) Do you need me for anything else?

(E) No, thank you for coming over and helping. 

(D) You're welcome, can I ask a favor?

(E) Yes. 

(D) Can my babies stay with you tonight? I brought them clothes. I think they are going to be too worried to be at home. 

(E) That is fine. I can see if Nathan will sleep with me and Asher can sleep with Lucas. Liam lives here now, and Mav might be staying the night. I can see if Carter can sleep with one of them or Luke. 

(D) I want you to hear this from me. You know both of my sons love you and all your brothers. 

(E) I know and we love them too. 

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