They talk and cuddle.

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Elijah inform Lucas to go get Luke from his bedroom. They walk back in and sit down. All the older boys will be speaking in this conversation. Elijah(E), Lucas(L), Luke(Lu), Liam(Li), Nathan(N), and Maverick(M). 

(M) What is going on?

(Lu) I have questions Maverick. 

(M) Ok.

(Li) Why do you cut on your thighs? 

(M) It helps with the pain I feel inside. 

(N) Can we see? 

Maverick looks concerned but he does it. He slides his shorts and boxers down. They boys look. Elijah had cleaned them up well. Maverick pulls his shorts and boxers back up. He sits on the couch and looks down. Nathan gets up and walks over and pulls him into a hug. 

(Lu) We are going to start inviting your over more. 

(M) You are?

(L) Yes, you are our friend too. We love you and we care about you. We do not want to see you hurt. 

(M) Thank You.

(Lu) I got the phone set up for Asher. We can give it to him later. 

(E) I want to do that with just the brothers after the night medicine. I am sorry if that hurts your feelings. 

(Li) It doesn't. 

(N) What are we going to do now?

(E) We need to pick out a friendly movie for Asher and Carter. I was thinking we could move the coffee table and bring one of the mattresses in here. Then we could all hang out with each other and watch a movie. 

(N) That sounds fun. 

(E) I think Carter and Asher would like it. 

(M) Me too. 

Luke and Lucas go and grab a mattress. They grab all the pillows. Elijah goes to his room to knock on the door. Elijah and Asher are playing cod. Elijah grabs the pillows and informs the boys to follow them. Elijah pulls Asher over to the kitchen. 

(E) It is time for pain medicine. 

(A) Yes sir. 

Elijah pours it out and Asher takes it. He does not make a face and he takes it. Elijah grabs his hand and walks him in the room with the other boys. Asher sees Lucas and steps behind Elijah. Elijah senses it and Asher hides his face in his lower back and upper but. Elijah is much taller than Asher. Lucas notices and his feelings get hurt. He just smiles and continues on. Asher and Carter lay on the bed. Nathan lays beside Carter. Elijah, Luke, Liam, Lucas, and Maverick are sitting on the couch. Asher is starting to get tired. He raises up and looks at Luke. 

(Lu) What's wrong buddy?

(A) Can I have a blanket, I am cold?

(M) Yeah, I can grab you one. 

Maverick gets up and goes to the hall closet. He grabs a blanket and comes over and covers Asher up. Luke slides down on the mattress with Asher. He lays right behind him. Asher takes Luke's hand and pulls it over him. He lays his head back on his chest. Within a few minutes they hear Asher snoring. 

(E) It's ok, it's the pain medicine. It will make him sleepy. He can nap for the rest of the movie. 

(L) Can we pause the movie for a minute.

Liam pauses the movie and all the boys except Luke look up. He does not want to wake Asher up. 

(N) What's wrong?

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