A good night, and a few talks!

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All the boys have headed their separate ways. They have all went to the bedrooms to take showers. Luke and Liam get to his room, and they strip their clothes off. They go in his bathroom and take turns using the bathroom. They jump in the shower and they are joking around and laughing. 

Carter and Nathan made it to the bathroom in the hallway. They take their clothes off and Carter gets embarrassed. Nathan helps him in the shower and the two will talk. Nathan(N) and Carter(C).

(N) I am hard too. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. 

Carter looks down and he calms down. The two boys start showering. They are trying to hurry where everyone can hang out together. Carter is excited to spend time with Asher. Elijah is in his bathroom. He has started showering and he starts crying. Asher called him dad and trusts him. He knows he has a chance to be a great role model. He is also nervous to talk with Asher. He knows Asher has a lot of questions. Lucas has made it to his shower and is enjoying some privacy and alone time. He is still mad at himself for the whole Mary scene. 

Then you get too the last two boys. Maverick and Asher have made it to his room, and they walk to the bathroom. They will talk. Maverick(M) and Asher(A). 

(M) How do we do this?

(A) They help me take my clothes and brace off. Then I use the bathroom and we jump in. We cannot use hot water. We have to use warm water. 

(M) Ok. 

Maverick helps Asher takes all his clothes off. Asher goes over and pees. He washes his hands and Maverick takes his clothes off and he uses the bathroom. He is still facing the wall. You can feel the awkwardness in the room. 

(A) I can slide a towel on and go shower with Elijah. 

(M) No, it's ok. I am already. 

(A) Excited?

(M) Yes.

(A) Me too. 

Maverick turns around and looks at Asher. They both look down and they both laugh. Maverick helps him in the shower and he starts helping Asher. He does just like the brothers. He starts down low and then works his way up. He gets to the penis area and Asher is having a problem. The two boys will talk. 

(M) Can I ask you a question?

(A) Yes. 

(M) Did you start puberty? 

(A) Yeah, is something wrong? 

(M) You are excited, and you are leaking a little. 

(A) The feeling won't happen again, will it? 

(M) No, I am just going to clean you up down here and we will move on. 

(A) Ok. 

Maverick goes back to helping Asher shower and he finishes Asher up. Asher stands in the back of the shower and Maverick washes up. Asher watches Maverick and Maverick explains he had the same issue. Asher smiles and they finish up and step out of the shower. They go to the bedroom, and they sit on the bed. Asher checks the cuts. They all look good, and Maverick has not cut any more. Maverick slides clothes on and then he slides boxers on for Asher. 

(A) One of the brothers will have to dress the burn on my back. 

(M) Ok, we can get them in a minute. Can we talk? 

(A) Yes. 

Maverick pulls Asher close and holds him. 

(M) What did you mean the feeling?

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