Moving day!!!!

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Elijah is the first person awake and he goes and takes a shower. He finishes up and he starts to make breakfast. The moving company will be there in just over an hour and Nathan should be there soon to pick up Asher. Carter and Nathan are excited to be able to spend some alone time with Asher. 

Nathan gets there to pick Asher up. He is alone and Elijah and him will speak. 

(N) Hey man. 

(E) Hey, where is Carter? 

(N) He is asleep. I was planning on letting Asher go back and sleep and then us three can play a game for a little while and then I am going to take them out to eat. My dad is home today, and he is dying to meet Asher. 

(E) Why?

(N) He wants to meet the boy who has helped Carter bring his grades up and he wants to meet the boy who has made him happy. 

(E) What do you mean?

(N) Carter has been in such a great mood. Usually, he will complain about helping around the house and now he doesn't. He used to try and back talk and now he does not. He use to argue about going to school and now he looks forward to it. He was a little upset that Asher has to stay out two more weeks. He can't wait to introduce everyone to his boyfriend. 

(E) That makes me so happy. 

(N) Me too. Asher is amazing it makes me want to kick your dad's ass. 

(E) Us too. 

(N) My dad said he would do it if you bailed him out. 

(E) Do not tempt me. I have plenty of money. 

(N) I am dead ass serious. My dad is pissed. 

(E) He is a nurse, right?

(N) He is and mom is as well. They both make good money. He works during the day usually and she works at night. They want one of them to be home with us at all times. 

(E) That is sweet. 

(N) I know they really do care. They want all of you to come over to dinner one night. 

(E) I can make that happen. 

(N) Good, where are the boys at?

(E) They are still sleeping. I am letting them sleep in just a little. You can go and wake them up. 

(N) Ok, Elijah I want you to know I love you all. I don't know what I would do without our friendship. 

(E) I feel the same way. 

(N) I will be back. 

(E) Ok, big guy. 

Nathan goes and wakes the boys up. He scoops Asher up and helps him use the bathroom. He takes Asher to the living room and gives him his medicine. He then slides some short on him and takes an extra pill in case he starts hurting. They make their way to his truck, and they head to Nathan's house. Asher is already dozing off as they make inside. 

Nathan is carrying him, and his dad jumps up and takes him from Nathan. Asher is snoring at this point. He carries him to Carter's room, and he lays him beside Carter. Nathan slides his shoes and shorts off and Asher cuddles up with Carter. Their dad snaps a picture, and they leave the room. Nathan and his dad go to the kitchen, and they will have a talk. Nathan(N) and Dad(D). 

(D) He is a handsome little dude. 

(N) He is cute. 

(D) Why is he so tired?

(N) They have him on pain medicine and one for his muscles. 

(D) I see, it makes him tired and drowsy. 

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