A plan!

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Elijah and Nathan manage to calm Carter and Asher down. They assure them they are not mad at them and it's not their fault. Lucas and Luke are telling them the same thing. They all finally calm down and they will all speak. Elijah(E), Nathan(N), Lucas(L), Luke(Lu), Carter(C) and Asher(A). 

(E) So, explained to me what happened? 

(C) I opened the door and she wanted to speak with Asher. You got the whole conversation on video.

(A) We made sure you saw it all. I am sorry for using the bad language. 

(C) Me too.

(E) Neither one of you are getting spanked. 

(N) I love you Lucas. I am getting my parents to press charges on her. 

(L) Elijah is doing the same thing. 

(E) How about Asher and Carter go and sit in the bedroom. We can all come up with a plan.

(Lu) No, they can stay. They are the ones who were abused today. They get to know the plan. 

(N) I agree.

(E) Ok, all of us will have dinner here tomorrow. We will invite Mary and her parents over. We will sit on the patio table. We will not eat with them. Nathan and I will do all the talking. The rest of you can sit and we can go from there. 

(N) I think that is a good plan.

(L) Me too. Boys I am so sorry she hit yall. I promise I will make it up to both of yall. 

(A) You already have. You showed us you cared about us. You were mad it happened. Mom and dad would have been happy. 

(E) That is not the case here. 

(A) I know. 

(N) I am going to go ahead and head home. I have some homework and I will speak with my parents. We will decide on when to go and press charges. 

(E) Have them call me or you call me and put it on speaker. She will be punished for this. 

(C) Do we have to leave now?

(A) It's only four.

(N) Yes sir. We need to get home. Carter has homework he has not done. He told me he had finished it and lied. I checked his binder at home. 

(C) Sorry.

(N) It's ok. 

(A) Facetime me, I can help you. 

(C) I will.

Nathan and Carter stand up. They hug everyone and start to the door.

(A) Can I walk them out?

(E) Yes. 

Asher walks with them to the truck. They are talking for a minute. 

(E) You two go look out the window. You might see something of interest. 

Lucas and Luke rush over and look out the blinds. They see Asher open the truck door for Carter. Carter hugs him and they kiss. Asher turns around with a smile and starts walking back towards the house. The boys sit on the couch. Asher stops just short of the door. 

(L) Are they together?

(E) We will talk about it at dinner. Do not embarrass him.

Asher opens the door and sits on the couch. Luke pulls him onto him and cuddles with him. 

(Lu) I am sorry about today. 

(A) It's ok, it's not your fault. 

(L) It is mine. 

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