Chapter 25

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"Good morning, sunshine," Olivia walked inside Alison's bedroom and pulled the curtains back. "You should be at the studio by now. Come on, wake up."

Alison threw a pillow towards where she guessed Olivia was. "Get out".

"No can do. Should have thought about that before coming home late," she said, "where were you anyways?"

After leaving Angelo's, Alison walked around campus like a crazy person, hoping the cold would help wind her down. It didn't, eventually she ended up at the studio. She had every intention of putting all her energy on the project and after months of being completely and utterly unable to come up with something half decent, she finally had an idea of what she wanted to paint. A roadmap. The blonde was holed up in there until early morning, not even noticing the time until her eyes were heavy and there was light outside. By the time she got home it was already nine.

She pushed back the covers and swinged her legs off the bed.

"Whoa, hey, oh my god." Olivia shielded her eyes like the sun was shining in front of her.


"You're naked."

"I have underwear."

"And no top."

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect company."

Olivia's arm dropped and she glared.

"All right, all right," Alison said, grabbing a black bralette off the floor and slipping it on. Then she struck a pose. "How's this?"

"I will sneak in here at two in the morning and staple all your underwear to the walls."

"Sounds noisy. I'd probably wake up."

Alison's eyes landed on the familiar papery cup of coffee Olivia was holding in her hand. "Is that for me?" she asked.

Olivia held the cup to her chest. "You only get it if you put on pants and work on your final project."

"It better be one of Diego's special brews."


"I was at the studio last night," she admitted. "If those are not the imported coffee beans I'm never talking to you again."

"You're such a coffee snob."

Alison shrugged.

"What are you doing?" Olivia all but screeched as Alison pulled her bralette over her head and tossed it back on the floor.

"The shirt doesn't work with the bra." Alison slipped on her favorite black tank top and oversized jacket. It's all about the layers. She turned to grab her pants.

"How'd it go? Did you make progress?"

"Tons," she said and she pulled her pants up, "I think I'm finally on the right path."

"Good!" Olivia replied. "And Charlie?"

Alison tripped on the pillow she had just thrown. "What about Charlie?"

"You hung up and didn't call me back, what happened with the woman she was with?"

"Oh, that... I don't know, I left." Alison said, not feeling nearly as ready to admit the unexpected turn of events. "Have you seen my boots? It's chilly outside."

Olivia narrowed her eyes. "You left?"

Alison lifted her gaze and simply said: "Yep."

"Just like that."

She nodded. "I'm late for my shift, I'll see you later."

She grabbed the cup of coffee from Olivia's hand and kissed her cheek. The girl turned around just in time to see Alison put on her boots by the door in a rush. "Bullshit."

The Love Letter (girlxgirl) (lesbian story) gxgWhere stories live. Discover now