Chapter 24

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"Hi Charlie."

Charlie was still frozen in the same spot. Her fingers clammy and cold.

"Have you guys met before?" Tom asked.

Alison took a step towards Charlie, not knowing where she got the confidence from. "Only briefly," she smiled, the kind of smile Charlie had seen her give every person the blonde despised. "So Johanna, your name sounds familiar."

Charlie felt a swoop in her stomach, but she couldn't tell if it was embarrassment that Alison might've seen her holding hands with another woman or... something else.

Johanna cocked her head to the side. "Does it?"

"Yeah, but I can't quite pinpoint where I heard it," she replied, voice dripping in sugar... The kind that could put you in a diabetic coma if you had too much.

Tom smiled, clueless to the tension building up. "Well Jo works for the New York Times, maybe you've seen her name as editor somewhere,"

Alison's mouth formed an "o" and her eyebrows shot up. "So you're Charlie's new boss," she said, "how nice of you to take your employees out for dinner."

Johanna forced a smile. Before she could muster a response Charlie cut in. "Will you excuse us for a moment? I need to talk to Alison about something."

She dragged the girl to the bathroom and locked the door after making sure there was no one inside. Alison followed her quietly as she tried to calm herself but in reality she was upset. Upset about Charlie complicating things, upset that she had to develop feelings and then admit it to her, why couldn't she just pretend nothing happened? And why the fuck did she have to make Alison feel things she had never felt? The blonde didn't want to use the j word, but for the love of god, she was fucking jealous. Jealous that Charlie could tell her things like "I can't stop thinking about the kiss" and just as easily go out with another woman as if nothing happened. Who did she think she was?

"What are you doing?" Charlie asked.

Alison rearranged her hair and put all her weight in one leg, as if to appear clueless about it all. "Nothing, I was talking to your date."

"It's not a date."

"I told you to go experiment with Emma who clearly likes you, not your boss."

Charlie pulse kicked up. "She's not my boss."

"What do you call that then? A person you're gonna work for..."

"I call it none of your business."

Fuck that. It was her business. Because for the past few weeks Charlie had been playing with her head, making her want to do things that don't make sense, kissing her and then shutting her out, as if she was a toy. I can play this game, too. She thought.

Alison smiled sweetly. "I'm glad though, that you're finally letting that side of you out with someone who's actually interested."

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Alison?"

The blonde laughed. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you go about your life making out with people and then shutting them out? Telling them you're confused and then going on a date with someone else? That's fucked up, Charlie."

"I learned from the best."

Alison took a step closer. "Say that one more time."

"I said I learned from the best. And speaking of, shouldn't you go back out? That guy said he still had your underwear in his house."

"Jealous much?"

"Not even a little bit."

Alison stepped closer and smirked. She didn't know why, but she felt a ping deep down in her chest, frustration and anger mixed up. A recipe for disaster, she thought. "Careful Charlie, if you keep lying you might end up in hell with me."

Fury carved savage lines into Charlie's face as she said. "Fuck. You."

"You. Wish."

They glared at each other, their anger tangible in the air. All the wine and tension from earlier was about to explode and turn into full on war against Alison. But then her world shattered as Alison crashed her lips to hers.

Her mouth was hard and desperate, the blonde put both arms around her waist and pulled her closer, tighter. Charlie could feel the rapid beat of her heart, taste the sweetness of strawberries mixed with bourbon in her mouth, unwillingly the brunette's hands made their way into the girl's hair, silky and fine. Her heart was hammering and her ears were buzzing. The adrenaline in her blood, mixed with desire, was making Charlie want to explode and she hated how much she loved it.

Charlie regained control of her limbs and raised her hands to push her away, but to her surprise, she fisted Alison's sweater instead. She gathered handfuls of the dark green fabric that complimented her eyes so much it drove her crazy and yanked her closer until they were pressed so tight against each other she wasn't sure where she ended and Alison began. A small moan escaped when Alison shifted her hips just enough to put a leg between Charlie's and hearing the brunette moan brought her back to reality. What the fuck are you doing, Alison? She thought.

"This is wrong," Alison's whisper ghosted over Charlie's lips, its softness a sharp contrast to the force with which she was holding onto her waist.

A flush of arousal colored Charlie's cheekbones. "Very wrong, we should stop."

Alison's chest rose and fell rapidly. "Yeah,"

They held each other's gaze for a moment longer, before the gap between them disappeared and their mouths crashed against each other again. Harder, more desperate than the first time, their tongues fighting with each other while their hands roamed over every inch of skin. Until they heard a knock that pulled them back to reality. In three swift steps, Alison went from nearly taking Charlie's shirt off to arranging her own makeup in the mirror as if nothing had happened.

They didn't say a word as they unlocked the door and left the bathroom, Charlie swore everyone could see how flustered she was and lowered her head. When they got back to where Johanna and Tom were waiting, she saw Alison walk up to them to say goodbye, her hips swaying in a way that made Charlie lose track of time and space.

"It was nice to meet you, Johanna." Alison said smoothly, as if she wasn't about to take Charlie in the bathroom just now, then started for the door. She glanced at Charlie once, something flaring in her eyes the brunette couldn't name. Charlie lifted her chin, trying to appear completely unaffected but then Alison lifted a brow and pursed her lips as if to call bullshit, and Charlie was the first one to look away.

"Is everything ok?" Johanna asked.

"Yeah," Charlie answered. She didn't need to deal with the fact that, a minute ago, Alison had gotten her all hot and bothered. "I should probably go home, thanks for dinner." 

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