Chapter 5

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Alison woke to the scent of bacon and coffee on Sunday, her favorite smell in the world. Individually, they were amazing but combined? Utter perfection. Her eyes landed on the digital clock on the nightstand. 10:18 am. Shit. She should've been at Solé by now. She climbed out of bed and washed her face. 

She found Olivia, book open on the table, coffee maker sputtering quietly in the background.

"Morning." She said. Her voice was broken-glass scratchy, her hair messy.

"Good morning, Al."

She headed to the cupboard and pulled down a white ceramic coffee mug and poured herself coffee. "Why are you always up so early?"

"I don't know. My parents never let me sleep in on the weekends when I was little and my internal clock refuses to change."

"Your internal clock is an idiot."

Olivia chuckled. "I know."

Alison dropped into the seat next to her best friend and took a sip. "What are you reading?"

"I'm taking an elective this semester and the professor is making us study Russian literature, so Dostoievski."

Leaning over the table, Alison inhaled the steam rising from her coffee, praying it would revive her. "And?"

"There's too many characters, reading this gave me a headache."

Alison nodded. "My head is killing me, too."

Standing, Olivia headed for the ibuprofen she keeps in the cupboard next to the sink - the medicine cabinet, she calls it. It's filled with Band-Aids and every over-the-counter medication you could ever need, especially for hangovers. She returned to the table with Advil and a glass of water in hand and set it all in front of Alison. She mumbled her thanks and took the meds and the glass, draining the water in one long gulp.

"How are you surprised?" Olivia sat back down. "You had jägerbombs and three different types of cocktails. Maybe we should slow down."

Alison looked up, mildly offended. "It was a great night."

"Not so much the morning after, though."

Alison got a tiny glint in her eye. "I just need a beer to level it up and I'm good to go."

Olivia took another sip of her coffee. "Don't you have to help out at the coffee shop today?" In her peripheral vision, she saw her friend try to pull off a casual shrug.

"Yeah, Diego asked me to come back and help but, that new girl is insufferable. I don't think I could ever teach her anything."

Olivia closed her book, giving up on understanding a single plot line. She was considering reading a summary online but she suspected even that would be a task in itself. "She can't be that bad."

"Oh no, she's worse than bad." She said. "I swear, she shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a bar or a coffee machine ever again. Did you know she somehow ended up with a first degree burn from making an espresso? I turn around two seconds and who knows what could happen, I'm surprised she hasn't burnt the whole place down. I don't understand why Diego hasn't fired her."


"And don't get me started on those stupid friends of hers, little miss know-it-all who clearly has a crush on her, I still don't know how she doesn't realize and the guy with sweaty hands. It's astonishing how pathetic they are."

"It's astonishing how worked up you are."

"I'm not worked up." She said, trying not to sound irritated. "I just can't shake this feeling that she's going to get Diego all excited about those open mic nights and then once her stupid article is published she's gonna quit."

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