Chapter 11

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The next day had started like any other day, Matthew was drilling his head with the article on nightlife. It was almost done, most of the research already complete and it was time for Charlie to read the second draft. He was nervously sipping his coffee at Solé as he waited for Charlie to finish. She had gotten so much better at making coffee since she started working there, it was miraculous.

"So?" Matthew said.

"It's g-good." Charlie rolled her sleeve down.

"But is it good good or just good?"

Charlie looked considering. "It's ok."

Matthew threw his hands up. "You don't like it."

"I do like it, but it's also just the second draft, I think you should work on this section a bit more," she highlighted it for him, "it lacks character."

"You can say it. It's boring."

Charlie smiled painfully. "It is boring."

Laughter distracted her from the paper in her hands. The sound bounced off the wall and reached her ears, Charlie's eyes quickly followed its source only to find Alison laughing in slow motion on the other side of the coffee shop. Olivia was bent over, clutching her stomach. Matthew followed the line of her gaze, and saw them.

"How are things with Alison?"


He nodded. "She has changed."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, she seems different." He observed. She was no longer throwing daggers at him whenever she looked at him and she even consented to being interviewed for the article, which was surprising to say the least. "What was her best friend's name again?"


"Is she seeing someone?"

The two didn't realize they had been staring for too long, not until Alison and Olivia caught them looking. As if on cue, they both cleared their throats and went back to discussing the article, hoping that was enough to play it cool. But Alison and Olivia both stood up and walked towards them. The blonde was walking gracefully, she looked like a model on a runway, her hair followed her every time she swayed her hips. In no time they were both at the bar, Alison looking stunning in her oversized military green jacket due to the weather getting colder.

"Hey." Olivia said.

Charlie nodded. "Hi."

"Hi," Matthew mirrored.

"So, Alison and I were talking and we were wondering if you'd like to come to a party with us." Olivia was smiling.

Alison on the other hand was quiet. "I never said that."

Olivia pinched her.

"Oh," She had been caught off guard, never in a million years would she expect that. "Tonight?"

Olivia nodded.

"I told Diego I'd help tonight." Charlie blurted out.

"He said he was closing early today."

Alison looked bored. "You should definitely stay and help him."

Olivia pinched her again.

"Yeah, it's just that I have to work on this... Thing for the newspaper."

Matthew shot her a look. "What thing?" Charlie widened her eyes and forced a smile at him. "Oh, yeah. The thing."

"You're a bad liar," Olivia pointed out, Alison chuckled behind her. "You're coming."

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