Chapter 13

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"Kiss Charlie."

Emma's ears were buzzing, as if bees were trapped inside her head. She was trying to come up with ways she could convince Alison to pick another dare, but it was pointless. Her brain was ticking over rapidly, the speed of her thoughts quickened by the slight panic. Still, she tried to act calm, if she refused it would look suspicious, so her best bet was to agree, make it look like she didn't care. After all, it wouldn't be the first time two girls kissed at a truth or dare game.

"Ok." She said.

Charlie saw her, at the edge of her vision, as Emma put a hand on her chin, turning her to face her. What was Alison doing? Why would she put Emma on the spot like that? Was this the only way she found suitable to "prove it to her"?

Charlie whispered. "You don't have to do this."

"It's okay," Emma whispered, and though her tone was stern, her hands were inexplicably gentle. Charlie could see her reflection in each of her friend's pupils, she looked terrified.

"It's just a kiss." Emma said, barely audible to anyone else but Charlie. Everything was happening too quickly. "Just a kiss."

She nodded and shut her eyelids. She suddenly became very aware of how she looked and could feel the heaviness of her clothes against her skin.

And then Emma kissed her.

She felt the brush of her lips, light at first, but she could also feel the weight of everyone's eyes on them, especially Alison. The kiss didn't last long, and when Charlie pulled away she became very aware of Emma's tinted cheeks and the rapid rise and fall of her chest, she then turned her attention to Alison, who simply winked at her and smirked. She was right.

The noise around them was nothing but a muffled sound. Emma's eyes bore into hers like daggers. She finally looked back at her, and Charlie saw the look on her face, she saw in her eyes the battle she was currently having inside. Emma held her gaze for a split second, then looked away from her, the muscles in her throat working again. "Alright, who's next?"

Charlie stood up quickly, Matthew following close behind her.

"We should go," she said. "It's getting late."

"But... We just got here."

They left the house.

"Charlie, hold on a second," Matthew protested as Charlie hauled him up a small hill after her, her white tennis shoes slapping hard against the pavement with every angry step. Emma was still inside the house, not wanting to give herself away more than she already did. Alison ran after them, walking quickly up the same hill and shouted the girl's name. In the distance, she could see her, striding purposefully away along the concrete path that led to Matthew's car while the boy walked beside her, struggling to keep up.

"Charlie!" She called out to her again as she picked up the pace and was able to catch up, grabbing Charlie by the arm. "Where are you going?"

The brunette stopped dead in her tracks and whirled around. Matthew, knowing fully well that he was not welcomed in the conversation that was about to take place, excused himself and let Charlie know he'd wait for her in the car.

Once he was gone, Charlie spoke. "Home."


Charlie chuckled. "Because..." she dragged out. "I'm not going to stay here and play your stupid games."

"My games?" Alison asked. "She started it."

Charlie let out a chuckle but didn't say a word.

"Cry me a river," Alison's tone was bitter. "She started it with the lap dance."

"Because you're always out to get her!"

Alison chuckled bitterly. "You have to be kidding me."

"You didn't have to pick me," Charlie whispered.


"You didn't have to pick me." She shifted her weight from one leg to the other and crossed her arms, as if trying to comfort herself. "To get under her skin."

"Well I'm sorry," Alison said and ran her hand through her long blonde hair that had gotten messy from all the running. "It was just a dance, not the end of the world."

"There were people staring at us, Alison."

"Yeah," she bit back. "Aren't you glad I picked you then? It was a damn good dance"

"Ugh! You're impossible!"

"And you're a baby!"

Charlie took a step closer. "Listen to me, I'm not a puppet, I'm not a way for you to mess with Emma and don't ever involve me again in that stupid war you seem to have with each other that I'm not even sure what it's about."

"It's about you!" Alison took another step towards the girl. "I don't even know how I got involved but she looks like a rabid dog whenever you talk to someone other than that friend of yours that looks like a spaghetti."

"That doesn't make it ok to put her in the spot like that!"

"It was just a kiss!" Alison replied. "Why are you being so dramatic? A kiss is just a kiss, look,"

And just like that her lips crashed into Charlie's, her own opened automatically beneath the pressure. Her anger lost in the electrifying rush of her blood through her veins, she felt weightless, as if she were a balloon. And this time Charlie didn't want the kiss to end, but it did.


Charlie turned bright red and pointed a finger at Alison. "Don't. Ever. Do that again."

And that's when Alison felt bad. Maybe she had crossed a line. Maybe deep down she was desperate to prove Olivia wrong and took the opportunity to test that there was nothing going on between them. "I'm sorry."

"Apology not accepted," Charlie turned on her heels and started to walk back to the car, but after taking two steps she turned back. "And don't ever pull something like that again without my consent."

Alison had a sense she had messed up big time.

Inside Matthew's car, Charlie was suddenly and weirdly reminded of being six years old at the beach, crying when the wind came up and blew away the sand fortress she had made. Her mother had told her she could make another one if she liked, but it hadn't stopped her crying because what she had thought was permanent, was not permanent after all, it vanished at the soft touch of wind or water.

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