Chapter 8

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Diego wasn't at the coffee shop all day, something about a doctor's appointment, but he felt confident enough to leave the shop in the hands of Charlie and Alison. Ever since they stopped fighting so much things had gotten a lot easier. Inside the café Emma drummed her fingers against the table and scanned the menu, searching for something other than an americano, when a familiar voice sliced through the silence.

"Are you ready to order?"

The drumming stopped. Tension locked her in place. She lifted her gaze from the menu already wishing she'd stayed at the library instead of working at the coffee shop. Alison stood by her table, dressed in a black shirt and skinny jeans that hung too low on her hips, holding a small notepad.

"Obviously, I'm not. I'm still looking at the menu."

Alisson nodded. "I'll let Charlie take your order, then. But hey, I'm feeling generous today so little advice for you, try to be a little less obvious about her, maybe that way you'll actually have a shot."

Emma chuckled but deep down was struggling to find words. "What do you mean?"

"I mean anyone who pays attention for more than 5 minutes can tell you have a crush on her."

Trying to speak was like pushing an elephant through the door. Yeah, not happening.

"I feel sorry for you, though. You don't seem like her type."

There wasn't an actual reason why Alison wanted to push her buttons, maybe she woke up that day and chose violence, but ever since the day she met Emma they got off on the wrong foot.

"How would you know?"

Alison's high cheekbones and full lips were curved in a dazzling smile. "Oh honey, I know. I'll let Charlie know you're ready."

And then she left. Her hips swaying with each step in her form-fitting jeans that hugged every curve. As she sat there in the glow of the laptop, Emma couldn't help but think how right Alison was. It was hard to deny she had feelings for Charlie and even if Charlie was remotely into girls she wouldn't notice Emma. It unnerved her but deep down she knew if there was ever a chance, Charlie would sooner set her eyes on someone as beautiful as Alison before her. She felt a pinch, because denying her feelings was like denying Jon Snow's true identity in the last season of Game of Thrones, she could try but eventually she'd have to face the dragon staring back at her. Matthew would be proud of that reference, she thought.

But everything about Charlie from the just-got-back-from-a-morning-run-on-the-beach look to her gorgeous freckles and deep brown eyes conveyed a natural, uncomplicated beauty so different from the plastic girls she dated in the past.

Alison was in the storage room taking out new plastic cups. "Charlie, your friend is ready to order."

"I'm on register duty."

The blonde got back and swiftly opened the plastic container with the new cups, her hands moving with the expertise of repeating the same task two or three times a day. "I have a feeling she'd much rather have you take her order."

"Ok, watch over the register for me please?"

She walked towards Emma and after taking her order decided she could spare a few minutes to review their assignment. Now Charlie was absentmindedly rubbing her index finger back and forth over her lower lip, her brow slightly furrowed as she read the second page. Emma knew that gesture well. "What's wrong?"

Charlie cocked her head. "Hmm?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just think we should change this section."

"Okay," Emma replied, "anything else?"

Charlie looked up. "I think it looks good so far, can I finish reading this tonight though? I should get back to work."

"Charlie." Alison called out her name and walked from the bar to their table. Emma tensing at the sight of the blonde walking towards them. "Try this."

"Is it poisoned?"

She rolled her eyes. "It's an almond milk latte with caramel drizzle. Me and Diego want to add it to the menu." She held out the cup for Charlie to take. "I don't know why you drink this stuff, it tastes like feet."

That got a smile out of her. "How would you know what feet taste like?"

She shrugged. "Because I took a sip of it."

"Are you sure it's not poisoned?"

Alison's mouth curled into a smirk. "Maybe."

Charlie slapped her arm playfully and her cheeks turned a crimson color.

Emma felt like dead space. Was Alison doing this to get under her skin?

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