Chapter 16

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Things were going well for Charlie and Alison on their Friday night shift. Lots of tips, lots of college kids. Olivia was sitting at the bar sneaking free booze whenever Diego wasn't looking. She was trying to get Jason off her mind. Olivia had a fight with him after the party. Turns out Alison was right and he wasn't right for her. Now it was Alison's job as her best friend to help get her drunk and forget about the douchebag.

Everything was going to plan. Until Charlie heard...

"Hey, Charlie,"

Charlie shifted uncomfortably behind the register her weight from one leg to the other. "Todd."

Alison's attention got caught the second she heard the name. That fucker, thought Alison. He oozed pretentiousness in a way that was completely at odds with Charlie's easy charm. He wasn't right for her. He should've gotten the hint a long time ago that some girls, and Alison suspected most of them, just weren't interested in him.

"How's it going?" He asked as he put his elbows on the counter, his gaze lowering to check out Charlie's breasts. "When do you get off work?"

Olivia noticed the line of Alison's jaw turn into a hard slash. "Ali, don't get involved."

She nodded but kept close to the counter while she refilled some guy's beer.

"Uh, pretty late." Said Charlie.

Todd lifted his eyes to finally meet hers. "Well I can keep you some company if you want."

"I'm good, Todd," she forced a smile, "thanks."

"Oh come on, maybe we can go somewhere when you get off work." He insisted.

Alison cursed under her breath. "She said no, buddy."

He offered Alison a smile and extended his hand.

"I don't think we've introduced each other."

Alison narrowed her eyes. "Yes, there's a reason for that."

"I'm Todd."

"Good for you."

Todd kept smiling. "You work with Charlie?"


Charlie was trying to hold back a smile. Of all the people in the world who she wished Alison's wrath upon, Todd was first on the list... And only.

"Do you go to school here too?" Alison nodded, "what's your major?"

Alison rolled her eyes. "Art."

Todd's eyebrows popped up. "Art? Really?"

"Yes, really." She dropped her semi polite tone and adopted one so icy, Alison hoped it froze his balls off. "Surprised?"

"A little. You don't look like an art student." Todd's eyes dropped to her chest. Beside her Charlie stilled, her easy going manner giving way to tension.

"I didn't realize art students had a universal look." She resisted the urge to cross her arms over her chest. "How are they supposed to look?"

He laughed, not even having the decency to look embarrassed by Alison's callout. "You know what I mean."

"I don't."

"You know," he waved a hand in the air, trying to play it off. "They're not very pretty, don't shower much kind of girls. It was a joke."

Alison's smile didn't reach her eyes. "Jokes are supposed to be funny, bud."

"Oh come one, it was kinda funny." Todd's frown of discomfort morphed into annoyance. "Look, all I'm saying is, I was surprised, okay?"

"That's not what you're saying. What you're saying is you made an assumption about me based on my appearance." A lethal edge ran beneath Alison's otherwise pleasant voice. "For example, if I were to make an assumption about you, I would think you were a pompous jackass based on the sweater you wear over your shoulders thinking it made you look attractive to women when in reality it just makes me wonder if you're still a virgin. But I'm sure that's not true. I bet you got a hand job from a distant cousin when you were fourteen and I guess that counts for something."

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