Chapter 2

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"Happy first meeting everyone!" A guy sat down at a table at Solé, carrying a square white pizza box. He dropped it onto the table and Matthew reached to pop it open. The smell of hot dough and cheese filled the room reminding everyone how hungry they were. The boy tore off a slice and handed it to Charlie before taking one for himself.

Everyone gathered around the pizza box as they ate. "I hope everyone had a chance to rest this summer, not too many sunburns I hope," a few people chuckled. "New semester, that means new opportunities to grow our school's newspaper so let's get started, how's the sports column coming along?" A short haired girl asked, taking a slice herself.

"Good. Me and Trev are going to the football field later today to interview Coach Reynolds and Troy Wood."

"Who's Troy Wood?" Charlie whispered in Matthew's ear.

"I think he's our quarterback." Matthew replied.

The girl looked over her pizza. "Try to get Jason too, I think he's going to have a good season."

"Who's Jason?" She asked again in a low voice.

Matthew leaned closer. "I don't know."

"Yeah, but I want to use only Troy's interview for this week's column since he's most likely going to be starting and maybe get statements from the rest of the team right before the first game of the season."

The girl nodded.

"Do you guys have any plans for the night life column?" Matthew asked as he took a second slice of pizza. It was truly amazing, Charlie thought, how much he was able to eat without ever gaining weight or getting sick.

"Not yet," she said to Matthew. "What do you have in mind?"

He smiled. "I was hoping we could focus on what's happening here on campus?"

"We could," the girl started. "But other than Solé's talent nights once a week there's nothing interesting going on."

"True but," they were out of pizza, so he reached over without looking and took one of Charlie's nibbled crusts, then started balancing on his chair. "We could talk to Diego, see if he'd like to host them more often, last week was a huge success, even Charlie went."

"Diego doesn't have anyone to help and hosting those talent nights is pretty tough when it's just you at the bar and the cash register and waiting tables." A guy pointed out as he rose to toss the pizza box into the trash.

"What if someone volunteers to help?" Charlie said.

Matthew dropped the pizza crust he'd been munching on. "That's a good idea."

"It's a great idea." The girl said.

"Would you do it?" Matthew inquired, leaning forward, so that the front legs of his chair hit the floor with a bang.

"I didn't mean me...." Her tone was mild and the smile on her face showed just how amused she was at Matthew's reaction.

Matthew cleared his throat. "Hey Diego!" He yelled. A guy approached their table, he was in his mid-forties, handsome and very tall. "Are you hiring?"

"Not really, why? Are you guys looking for a job?"

"Well we were wondering if you'd agree to host more open mic nights and let us document it for the newspaper and in return we could give you a hand at the bar or waiting tables."

He tossed a small rag over his shoulder, the one he used to clean the tables and the bar, as he took a moment to consider what Matthew proposed. "Now that you mention it I was actually talking to a few of the bands that come here on Fridays to ask them if they'd like to perform every night. I guess I could use the help." He said. "Solé is the only bar around here and I'm sure it'll be packed with college kids if we have live music and alcohol every night."

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