Chapter 6

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"Rule number one of Friends," Matthew said. He sat propped up against a pile of pillows at the foot of his bed, a bag of Doritos in one hand and the TV remote in the other. He was wearing a plain black T-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. "Phoebe might sound crazy sometimes but she's always right."

"I know," Charlie said, her nose stuffy and red making her sound funny. She took a dorito and dunked it into the can of dip balanced on the TV tray between them. "It's not my first time watching Friends, remember?"

Their friendship had made it through middle and high school, now that they were in college things had settled nicely. Matthew had a single bed in his dorm and the walls were plastered with posters of bands she didn't know the name of. There was a piano wedged into the corner of the room and a computer full of RGB lights in the other corner. It was almost as familiar as being in her own bedroom at home. They watched the episodes that were on, until another TV show took its place.

"I'm changing the channel," Matthew announced, seizing the remote, while taking another dorito. "If you're in the mood for more intellectual entertainment, we could try the History channel."

"Give me that!" Charlie attempted to grab the remote, but Matthew had already switched the TV to another channel. "I'm sick, I should have dibs on the remote."

"Oh no, you're not playing the sick card again."


Charlie was absent again the next day, but Alison didn't want to invite questions from anyone about why she was curious - not concerned, just curious. And thankful. She did feel bad though, last time they were at the coffee shop Charlie had gotten pretty upset and deep down Alison knew it was her fault. So yes, maybe she was concerned but it was only because she felt guilty.


"What's wrong with Charlie?" Alison kept her voice low.

Diego glanced at the coffee machine before grabbing the containers where he kept the coffee beans. "She has a pretty bad cold, and had a high fever all day yesterday."

She knew she should've sent Charlie home to change her whole outfit after the incident with the beer tap. Ugh, stupid Charlie had to go and get sick and make her feel even more guilty.

"Since you asked, would you mind going to her dorm and giving her this soup?"

Alison rolled her eyes. "Why me?"

"I can't leave the café unattended. Besides, it'd be weird if I showed up out of nowhere with soup."

"What makes you think it's less weird if I go?"

Diego chuckled. "Come on, she's sick and far from home I'm sure she would appreciate it."

The blonde rolled her eyes and grabbed the soup Diego put on the bar counter. Why was she being punished? What did she do that was so bad she not only had to stand Charlie at the coffee shop but also be her personal delivery guy? The walk gave her time to think about her assignment however. Lately it felt like she couldn't catch a break and as hard as she tried she couldn't find anyone to blame. Parties and random hook ups weren't doing it for her anymore, she could still feel that empty space in her heart, like a small but annoying pinch, all the time. Walking across campus, filled with smiling, chattering students made her feel like she'd stepped onto a movie set where she could pretend to be one of them, carefree and not heartbroken by her grandmother's death.

Alison stopped outside Charlie's dorm and rapped her knuckles against the door. No answer. She waited for another beat before knocking again when she heard a voice.

The Love Letter (girlxgirl) (lesbian story) gxgحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن