Chapter 9

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"I'll see you tonight." Matthew said over the phone. "Besides Atlas is playing again tonight, I'm beginning to think they're pretty good you know?

Charlie had to laugh. "They're good or their Abercrombie and Fitch lead singer is hot?"

"Very funny, Bennett. I'm not gay." He replied.

"Matt, I really don't want to go. Doesn't that count for anything?"

"Not really."

"Why are we friends?" Charlie chuckled.

"Honestly? I don't even remember," he said and hung up the phone.

"This is going to suck so hard," Charlie predicted as Matthew, Emma and him walked into the crowded café. She grabbed Matthew's sleeve and tugged him toward the doorway. "We can still make a run for it."

He shook his head determinedly. "You promised me you'd stay the whole show. And I promised Jackson I would be here for his first performance and I'm a man of my word. Besides, I think you might like him." He squared his shoulders. "I'll get us something to drink. What do you guys want?"

"A latte, please."

"A beer for me." Emma said.

The boy scrunched up his nose. "Charlie you're a college student, at a college bar, watching other college kids perform live, are you sure you don't want a beer?" She shook her head, no alcohol tonight. Matthew headed off toward the bar, muttering under his breath something along the lines of the place being too crowded. Charlie went to find them a table and Emma needed to use the bathroom.

The coffee shop was in fact crowded, most of the dusty old couches and armchairs were taken up with students and couples, she could see familiar faces around, teachers and classmates as well as some people from the school's newspaper. Finally Charlie found an unoccupied table in a darkened corner toward the back. The only person nearby was a girl in a navy blue jacket, absorbed by her phone. She looked familiar, but Charlie couldn't pinpoint where she'd seen that face before.

The girl leaned over the side of her chair and tapped Charlie on the shoulder. "Excuse me." Charlie looked up in surprise. "Is that your boyfriend?"

Charlie followed the line of the girl's gaze, Matthew was headed toward them, face scrunched up in concentration as he tried no to spill anything.

"Uh, no," Charlie said. "We're just friends."

Charlie was spared from the conversation with the stranger by Emma's return. The girl sat back in her own chair as Matthew set the beverages on the table and threw himself next to Charlie. "I hate these new cups, they get too hot."

He blew on his fingers and scowled, in the meantime Charlie tried not to smile as she watched him. He had pretty dark eyes, she supposed, ringed by the kind of lashes boys didn't care about and girls would kill for. She had never thought about Matthew in that way but with the right haircut- "You're staring at me," Matthew said. "Why are you staring at me?"

"Don't look now," she whispered, "but that girl over there thinks you're cute."

Matthew's eyes flicked sideways to take a better look. "That's the girl from Florida I went on a date with," He whispered. "What did she say?"

"She asked me if you were my boyfriend."

"Ha!" Emma laughed. "Good joke."

The boy chuckled. "What?"

Charlie opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted by a burst of feedback. Everyone winced and covered their ears as a guy wrestled with his microphone.

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