The Avengers Need A Vacation

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My mental state was not at its best. The fight with Ashley had screwed with me and everyone knew it. The idea of a vacation was my reason to get away from everything I knew.

I sighed and got out of bed just before my alarm went off. I turned it off so that it wouldn't disturb Abby and I started getting my bags together to leave. I opened my bedroom door and found Steve who was about to knock.

"Oh, hey. I just wanted to make sure you were ready." Steve smiled and moved his hand back down by his side.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go. Are you?" I asked as I grabbed my bags and whistled for Abby to follow me, which she did. "Shall we get going?"

Steve nodded and accompanied me as we headed for the living room where everyone else was. Putting a leash on Abby, I followed the others as they went downstairs where a limo was waiting for us. Miranda was also waiting outside.

I hugged Miranda and smiled. "Are you sure you don't want to go with us?"

"Don't worry about me. I had a vacation this year already. I think it's your turn. Besides, Abby and I are going to get some girl bonding time." Miranda crouched down and started petting Abby as the pup licked her. I gave her the leash and Miranda smiled. "You have fun, and try not to get kidnapped this time."

I nodded. "Don't worry. I have my whole team with me this time."

We all got in taxis, Nat and Clint, Tony and Bruce, Thor and Ryan, and me and Steve. All four taxis followed each other toward the airport, and the ride was uneventful. Steve and I came up with plans, deciding on places we had to visit while in Paris.

After a while, we arrived at the airport and got out.

I was so excited.

We got our bags and I held Steve's hand as we entered the airport. It was a nice airport, a lot of people walking around, rushing to their flights. Several shops lined the halls, filled with forgotten items, last minute items, food, and souvenirs. I wanted to look, but I wanted to go to Paris more.

We got through security fine, until it came to me. The guards patted me down and felt my wings, then became very suspicious. I sighed and they brought me to another room.

"It's just my wings, guys. I promise." I said, wanting to leave.

"We'll decide what it is."

One of the guys made me show him. I took off my shirt and spread my wings, surprising them.

"Ohhhh, dude..." the youngest of the two looked to the other. "This is the new Avenger, Alexx."

I smiled and they both became embarrassed. "Hey, don't worry. I thought this might happen. Can we go now?"

"Yes, ma'am. Of course." One man led me out of the room and I went back to the others.

"What did they do?" Steve asked.

"Made me show them I actually had wings." I smiled. "No big deal."

We all continued through the airport, got our tickets printed out, then got in line to get on the plane. Just before boarding, I looked around and noticed someone with blonde hair outside by the plane. I squinted to see who it was, and she turned around.


I panicked and looked again, finding it wasn't her at all, but someone else entirely. I sighed and Steve looked at me, worried.

"I'm fine. Just...thought I saw someone."

Tony insisted that we all sat in first class, so we did. In fact, we took up half of first class, there were so many of us.

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