27. Three Months Ago

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Tyler's POV


The house was really had the word Christmas written all over it, the house was bright and filled with de decorations everywhere and the big ass Christmas Tree being the most outstanding and delicate decor in the house, and of course the statue of Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph with the animals with them, it was all by the tree and it was the most important thing there.

I wore a baggy blue jean, and a big black sweater,t hat had the sentence THE KING IS BORN written in white font. When I wore was depressed last year, i will wear this sweater to remind myself that I He is always with me, no matter what I am going through and how I go through with it.

Mom and dad were dressed like me, a sweatshirt and jeans. Whenever it comes to anything that has to do with God, we always take it seriously and respect him all the way.

"Tyler". Mom called out to me.

"Yeah, Mom?" I replied audibly.

"When are your friends coming?" She asked and before I could reply the door swung open and the house felt silent.

"Well come on, is this how you want to welcome you Grandma?" Grandma said as she walked to us and we greeted her with hug.

Grandma and Grandpa are the only people who are close to us in our whole extended family. It was nice seeing them again after a long time and I like as they came before everyone else.

"Grandpa in the house!" He shouted as he walked inside the house and I went to hug him with a smile on my face.

"Hey Grandpa." Kayla said as she hugged him.

"Wow, look at you two, your all grown up and Tyler is much more taller and built than the last time I saw him." Grandpa said as I bent my head and memories from 14 year old body came flooding back.

"Yeah, he was a twink." Kayla said as she fist bump Grandpa and I just shook my head.

"Tyler, my grandson how are you?" Grandma asked as she cupped my face with her very soft hands on cheeks.

"I'm good, Grandma, how about you?" I asked being a respectful grandson.

"Well, I'm great, you know traveling the world and staying young, the usual." She winked at me.

"Ah, yes of course." I said then remembered that we hardly see our Grandparents because they are always traveling the world, going from one adventure to another, while I am stuck here in San Francisco, well I love the city but I am tired of seeing it every day.

"Okay, so you guys Christmas presents are in the Van outside, Tyler join me bring them in?" Grandpa said.

"Yes of course, yeah." I said and followed Grandpa to their Van, in front of the house.

He opened the back seat door revealing like 10 or 14 wrapped boxes inside and I looked at Grandpa as he was smiling like he was about to kill me and chop my body into pieces then put different parts in all the boxes.

"That's a lot of boxes Grandpa." I said running my hands through my hair.

"I know right." He said as I just rolled my eyes. "Okay let's take them inside." I carried four presents to the house and placed them under the Christmas Tree.

And I turned back as Grandpa came to me as I carried the five presents in his hands.

"Don't worry Grandpa, I'll carry the rest."

"Okay Tyler my boy!" He shouted and I went outside to carry the remaining boxes.

I got to the Van and saw only five presents left in the back seat and turns out that they were 14 wrapped boxes, presents whatever.

I bent down to carry them.

"Tyler!" A mysterious but quite familiar voice called me, when I raised my body and my head out of the Van to see who shouted my name like that, I immediately smiled.

It was my friends, like all of them, they didn't come with their cars but they walked here, how weird of them.

"Guys!" I shouted and walked to them. "Hey" i said as I hugged them and they came in for a group hug.

"Tyler, I missed you so much." Scarlett said.

"Same." Leo said as we pulled out from our hug.

"I too missed you." Caleb argues with Scarlett.

"I missed Tyler than all of you." Timothy joined in.

"Guys quit acting like children, we equally missed Tyler and Kayla." Mia commanded.

"I missed all of you too, I hope we won't do this one month of not seeing each other again." I said.

"Yeah." Dean said.

"C'mon let's go inside." I said as we all started going to the house. "You guys can go in, I'll catch up with you guys." I told them as they nodded and went side the house.

"Hey Rowan, hi." I said before he entered the house then he turned direction and walked to me.

"Hey." He said with his enchanting smile. "How was your-"

I cut him off with a kiss as he pressed his lip harder on mine, then after some seconds of exchanging spit, we pulled away from our enchanting kiss.

"I missed you so much." I said placing my hands on his waist.

"Ty, we literally went on a date yesterday." He said chuckling.

"Yeah but it felt like three months ago." I said giving him another kiss on his lips and pulled away. "Help me carry these?" I asked him with my pleading eyes.

"Yeah sure." He smiled and carried two presents and I carried the remaining three then closed the Van back seat door.

"Merry Christmas in advance Row." I said.

"Same to you Ty." He pecked my cheek as I opened the door and we went into the house.



Mom's family hasn't even arrived yet and the house was already full, but once they arrive we would welcome them even if we don't want to, then me, Kayla and my friends will go upstairs to my room.

The afternoon was going great, we were all playing games, then Christmas Karaoke songs and Bible Quizzes, it was a very fun day, but anytime I think about the people that are soon to come my mood changes. And mostly because of one person.

Karen... Aunty Karen... Ughhh

The thought of me staying in the same house with her was like staying with a snake. She is a spoilt rich bitch who thinks she can get what she wants and how she wants it. So fucking annoying.

Oh and she's also a racist, she despise the LGBT community, I think it's just LGBT I don't know, but she hates them and I'm gay.

So this Christmas Eve Dinner may just turn into a Christmas Disaster and we didn't want that right now. The last time they came which was 5 years ago, they almost burnt the house to the ground, she and her fucked up, stupid kids.

And we haven't seen them, but tonight we will and I will be able to teach that stupid bitchy hag her place.

But right now the thing I should mostly focus on is for her not to find out that I'm gay, I mean I won't care if she'll know or not, I just don't want her to spoil me and Rowan's night, but I will not still take her nonsense.

We were about to bring out deserts for lunch when the door swung open... Again.

Speak of the devil

"Hello, everyone!" Aunty Karen shouted after seeking everyone's attention.

"Karen." Everyone in the house said because they know trouble has arrived.

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