12. Being Sick On My Birthday, Sucks

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Tyler's POV

I woke up, with the sun beaming on my face, I used the blanket to cover my face. Then I heard Kayla's voice outside my room with Star, next thing I knew, my door opened.

Happy Birthday to you♪
♪Happy Birthday to you♪
♪Happy Birthday dear Tyler♪
♪Happy Birthday to you♪

I totally forgot today was my birthday, I grabbed my phone and checked the date. It was October 18.

Wow Tyler, you forgot your on birthday... Well it's not the first time.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty". Kayla said as I rolled my eyes and removed the blanket from my face and sat up on my bed and I saw Kayla, Star and My parents standing in front of me and my Mom was holding a small grey cake in her hands with three black candles.

"Hey guys... I totally forgot my birthday was today". I said with my deep morning voice but when I talked, my throat felt sore, and it hurt.

"Yeah we know". My Dad said.

"Come on big bro, make a wish, I want cake". I smiled then I leaned to the cake and blew out the candles. As they clapped.

"Alright, get dressed and come down stairs to the living room I'll go cut the cake now". She said turning back.

"Uhh, guys I can't come down". I said as my Mom slowly turned back at me again.

"What do you mean?". Dad asked.

"Well, I think I'm sick, and I was sweating a lot last night and my throat is sore, which hurts real bad". I said with the volume of my voice low so the pain will be less.

"Oh, that's too bad, because like who gets sick on their birthday". Kayla laughed and and stopped when she realised Mom was giving her a death stare.

"Oh, my poor baby". Mom said giving Dad the cake and seating next to me. "How did you get sick?".

"I think it was from the rain I walked in the day before yesterday". I said and coughed. "I'm sorry guys, I can't even celebrate my birthday".

"Oh don't worry, it's alright, just lay in bed okay, I'll go buy the medicines for you, and by tomorrow you'll feel a lot better, okay". My Mom said and I lied on the bed and pulled up the blanket.

"Okay, thanks Mom". She kissed my forehead and she got up from the bed heading out of my room. "And Mom". I called her as she turned back again.

"Yeah sweetie". She says carrying the cake from Dad's hands.

"Can you keep my slice of cake too?". I asked.

"Of course I will, after all it's your cake and don't worry your slice will be bigger". She winked at me as I smiled.

"Mom, that's not fair". Kayla and Star said.

"Shh, it's not your birthday, now let's leave your brother be, so he can rest". My Dad said directing them to the door as Kayla groaned and they left. "Get well soon son". Dad said closing the door and I picked up my phone to tell my friends about my condition, they're gonna be sad, pissed and loving at the same time.

I unlocked my phone and saw 37 unread messages from our friend group, i tapped it and read all the messages.

They were all wishing me Happy Birthday, and sending me memes of birthdays, videos, pictures and the rest, so I decided to respond.

Sup guys

So, the birthday boy finally responds

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