23. Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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Tyler's POV

We entered the house and I realized no one was home, then I remembered my mom telling me yesterday that Star, dad and herself would be going to an amusement park.

"Where are your parents?" He asked.

"Um they went out, that means we have the whole house to ourselves." I said.

"Okay.. so what are we doing first?" He asked.

"Your not doing anything, I'm gonna go microwave the popcorn, get our sodas and order any eatable food that we can, while you stay here." I told.

"Bro, that's not fair at all, I should be helping you." He said.

"Row, I'm just microwaving popcorn, I'm not cooking." I told him as he didn't say anything for some seconds, then sighed.

"Okay, okay do what you want, I'll wait." He said.

"Thank you, relax I won't take long." I said to him and placed a kiss on his forehead and went into the kitchen.

I began to prepare the things while I  ordered cheeseburgers, cupcakes, pizza and ice cream.

We ran out of ice cream because of Star.

Rowan's POV

I sat in the living room waiting for him, while he did the things he said he will do and not take long.

Some minutes pass as I got bored and I decided to go check on him.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen, I slowly opened the door and when I peaked inside I saw Tyler sitting on the Island waiting for the popcorn to get hot in the microwave, he faced the microwave so he couldn't see me peeping through the door

Like he actually stayed, if it it were other people, they'll leave it to go do something else and forget they put something in the microwave that will later result to a smoky house.

But Tyler waited for it, I don't know how I fell for this dude but I'm happy I did, and now he's sitting on the Island looking like a snack.

It won't be had to eat now, I am hungry after all.

I slowly entered the kitchen, being as silent as I could, then I was near the Island when he moved and I immediately bent down, thankfully he didn't see me.

After he stopped moving, I raised my head up slowly, until my eyes was above the Island.

He was no longer sitting, he lied on the Island with his head facing the ceiling but his eyes were closed.

Why you gotta be so fine?

I got up and creeped to him and I was by his side.

He was so gorgeous, so unreal, like how can one be so disturbingly handsome.

It was like looking at the male version of Snow White and I was the prince.

Should I... Kiss him?

The thought came to my head, but I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to stare at him for as long as I could he was so attractive to the point that I couldn't help myself anymore.

I slowly leaned in closing my eyes to enjoy the moment, I had a feeling that our lips were about to collide and when it did, Tyler's lips didn't feel like before, it was more strong and had lines.

When I opened my eyes, Tyler was staring at me as his Emerald eyes sunk and read my soul then I looked down and realized that my lips were not on Tyler's lip but on his hand.

What the fuck Tyler?

"Really Row?" He said as I raised my head and stopped kissing his palm.

The microwave alarm started to ring as he got up and went to turn it off then opened it and brought out the hot bowl of popcorn.

"I told you to stay in the living room." He said.

"I was fucking bored babe, it's been 12 minutes since you left me in there." I stated.

"Oh, Row." He said shaking his head and chuckling. "You couldn't just stay 25 minutes with me, could you".

"Ty, why should I? Your like a magnet and I am a piece of iron, you pull me no matter how hard I try to stay away." I said flirting with him as I walked to him.

"Someone's playing with words." He said and pulled me as our body and lips collided.


He was kissing me so passionately, I was so up in the sky that I did not want to come down.

He lifted me up and sat me on the Island with our lips still intact, he grabbed my ass with his thick hands and I scratched his back with my thick hands.

He bit my lower lip as I moaned inside me.


He slipped his tongue in my mouth as both our tongues were battling each other like swords.

He moved his lips from mine and moved down to my neck, then licked my neck and moved up to my jawline and down to my neck again.

I on the other hand was already horny with a bulge in my pants, I just hope he doesn't notice.

He pulled away from my neck and stared at me.

"Wow, this was wow". He said. "I love you." He said as my heart teleported to my head and back.

"I know." I said but his face changed a bit, I'm not sure he was okay with the way I said it.

I wasn't sure if I was ready to use the 'L' word.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am." I lied.

"What's wrong Rowan?"

"Nothing Ty, I'm fine."

"Stop lying to me, something's off, cause I told you I loved you and all you could say was i know." He said and I felt bad but the tone he use was like I don't wanna know anymore.

"Nothing, the thing is.. I don't think I am ready to say those three laters." I said and immediately felt bad for Ty, because I literally saw his chest pump like his heart was about to fly out.

"Oh, I didn't know." His voice shaking as he said those words.

"No I didn't mean it that way it's just-"

"Hey, it's okay." He cut me off. "You must have your reasons, I'm not gonna force it out of you, let's just go watch the movie." He said.

"Okay yeah sure." I nodded and carried the popcorn and was about to walk out of the kitchen when I felt something wrap around me.

Tyler wrapped himself around me and kissed my neck.

"Whenever you're ready, talk to me, alright?"

"Yeah, I will." He unwrapped his hands and held my hand as we both walked out of the kitchen to the living room and when we got there, the thing Tyler ordered had arrived and it was time to watch some movie.

Wait, what movie are we watching?

Wait, what movie are we watching?

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