26. This Evening Is Gonna Be a Disaster

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Tyler's POV

After a month of not seeing, it was December 24, Christmas Eve obviously, I helped my parents with the decorations, the meal and the rest.

"Mom is the position of this Angel okay?" I asked.

"I think it will be better on the center of the dining table." She said as I carried to the dining and placed at the center of the table.

"Yes, much better thank you." Said as and I left there and checked if there's anything left to do.

"Ok, I think we're done for now, let me go and take a shower." I told Mom and went upstairs to my room.

I locked the door after I entered and went to my bed to just rest my back and my body and after I did, it was so relaxing that I could just sleep off.

But I couldn't but maybe just a short nap.

In the process of getting a shut eye, my phone vibrated as I groaned and tried to ignore but it kept on vibrating so I had to pick it up.

Maybe it's them annoyingly disturbing my phone with messages

I carried my phone and unlocked it and to my surprise, it wasn't them, it was an unknown number.

I tapped on the message as it entered the chat and I sent a message asking who the person was.

Unknown Number:
Tyler finally... Hey what do you mean who is this, I thought you saved my number in your phone.

Who is this?

Unknown Number:
Oh so you didn't save my number, anyways Tyler, I am your cousin, Luke.


Who the hell is... Oh shit.


Unknown number:
Hey, there he is, how are you cuz?

Good I guess

Unknown number:
Good good

So why did we message me?

Unknown number:
Well we are coming for dinner this evening and I wanted to inform before we get there.

Wait what?

What do you mean? I don't get

Unknown number:
Like your cousins, uncles and aunties, grandma and grandpa, we're all coming for Christmas Dinner tonight

Are you fucking with me?

Unknown number:
No, I am serious we will be there, but don't worry, we wouldn't waste time coming to see you guys, we don't remember how long since we last visited you guys, so grandma decided we should meet you guys

So your legitimately serious?

Unknown number:
Yeah, I am, I'll be looking forward to today

I won't.

Yeah thnx for letting me know

Unknown number:
Your welcome and please save me contact this time

Um I'll think about it

And we stopped chatting as I moved from my bed and I ran outside of my room, running downstairs to my mom.

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