18. I Need Drugs

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!!This chapter contains the dangerous and illegal use of drugs!!

Tyler's POV

I stopped a taxi and left the movie theater, i don't know why Rowan didn't kiss me back, did i do something wrong?

The kiss just kept on replaying in my head, as was breathing heavily, what would Rowan think of me now? How will i explain my feelings to him.

"Fuck!". I shouted in the taxi.


A few minutes later i arrived home and paid the taxi guy and he drove off, my hands were shaking seriously, and my head started to ache again, as i opened the door i saw my mom braiding Star's hair.

"Tyler, your home, how was your day?". My mom asked.

"It was good". I said with my shaky voice and i cleared my voice.

"Where's your sister?". She asked.

"I left her with my friends, she'll be um.. She- sh- she'll be home soon". I stammered.

"Are you okay, Tyler?". She kept on asking me questions.

Oh shit, i didn't really have the words or way to explain what happened, i can't tell her i kissed Rowan but he didn't kiss me back, i don't even know if she has something against the lgbtq community.

"Yeah, i'm fine just tired". I forced on a smile through my lie.

"Are you sure?". My mom pressed more.

"Yeah, i am sure, no need to worry".

"Ok, if you say so".

"I'll be upstairs in my room". She nodded and with that said i turned around and walked up the stairs and went to my straight to my room.

I was lying shirtless on my bed with my shorts on, the headache had stop after i took some pain killers, and had a cup of Iced Coffee, which calmed me down.

The kiss kept on replaying in my head, disturbing me and taunting me, but i managed to control myself.

Why didn't Rowan kiss me? I thought he liked me, why did he pull away from the kiss? He has been literally giving me 'i like you' vibes but he pulled away from our first kiss

I was just listening to my thoughts like music, but my thoughts were right.

Why did Rowan have to do this to me, after all we've been through together, i've always wondered what it will be like to kiss him, but he didn't wanna know, i'm so confused right now.

I can't keep having to feel this way i am so fucking restless, or was it that he didn't like me or feel the same way, no that can't be right, i thought noe one could like me.

What the fuck!!

"I think i know what i need, i need drugs, yeah that's what i need right fucking now, drugs to make me forget what i had done". I said and i grabbed my phone from the desk, had i unlocked it, entered contacts and searched for Theo's number, i decided to message him instead of calling.

Theo, you there bro?

Yo, Tyler it's been so long, what's up dude?

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