Chapter 61

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"Those damn bunnies... This can't be happening, not now" The Cook mumbled under his breath as the ground slowly started to shake 

The Lapins continued jumping up and down, the ground started to rumble as snowflakes fell all around them making Luffy narrow his eyes before turning to Sanji in confusion 

"Hey, Sanji!" He called out to him before adjusting Nami on his back "What's the matter?"

"I... We need to run" (Y/n) said as she snapped out of her daze and turned to the two "Now!" 

"R-Run? Where to?" Luffy looked between his two crewmates in confusion 

"Shit..." Sanji cursed as snow slid and fell off some tree tops, looking up the mountain Sanji's stomach twisted when he saw a huge cloud of snow gather and start running down the slope like a wave "Doesn't matter where!" He snapped at Luffy "Somewhere far and fast!" 

"What?" Luffy still looked at them in confusion, oblivious to the danger 

"An avalanche...! An avalanche is coming!" Sanji managed to choke out in fear as he turned around and ran downhill "Come on! Those damn bunnies will never get away with this" He cursed 

"Wh-wh-wh-what're we gonna do?!" Luffy screeched as (Y/n) pushed him forward to continue running 

"How should I know?!" Sanji shouted back at him before almost tripping on the snow and rising to his knees "The first priority is Nami! The second is (Y/n)! The third, fourth, and fifth are also Nami! Got that?!" He ordered before jumping off a small cliff into a pile of snow that acted like a pillow "Protect her even if it kills you!" 

"Got it!" Luffy screeched as he stumbled off the ledge "But how?!" 

"We gotta find a place to hide and fast!" (Y/n) called out before also jumping off the ledge and running beside Sanji with Luffy in the back with a scared expression "Just run as fast as you can for now!" 

"Over there!" Sanji shouted as he pointed to the right "That cliff!" 

"Cliff?!" Luffy stared at them in shock 

"Don't complain!" (Y/n) glared at him "Go! Go! Go!" She ordered while pushing Luffy to run faster as she ran behind him 

"We need to get as high up as we can!" Sanji said as he ran in the front, they ran straight in the avalanche's way but this was the only safe spot "It's coming!" 

"Ahaha!" Luffy cried out as he tried to pick up his pace

"Go already!" (Y/n) yelled as the snow wave came closer and closer before it just meters away from her 

"JUMP!" Sanji ordered making Luffy jump toward the cliff with (Y/n) and Sanji following behind "Good, we made... it..." Sanji said in between heavy panting but then his eyes widened "Ah!" 

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