Chapter 37

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Sitting at the bottom of the ocean, Nojiko desperately held onto the last bubbles of air in her mouth as she tried to pull out Luffy's legs from the piece of stone that he foolishly got himself into

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Sitting at the bottom of the ocean, Nojiko desperately held onto the last bubbles of air in her mouth as she tried to pull out Luffy's legs from the piece of stone that he foolishly got himself into

Her eyes then caught movement from the perimeter of her vision and when she glanced up she saw Sanji quickly swimming toward her but her eyes widened and she wanted to gasp in fear when she saw Hachi swimming right behind the blond

Sanji nodded toward her as he picked up his speed and swam toward his Captain making Nojiko nod back in return as she moved aside and to Sanji's surprise swam up 

The water hit (Y/n) like a brick as she jumped in, Her body slowly sunk as she looked around before her eyes landed on the four 

'A girl... What is she doing here?'  (Y/n)'s eyes widened 'Not the time, That octopus is getting too close'  If the (H/c) could scream to Sanji, She would but that would be stupid since he wouldn't be able to hear her anyway

(Y/n) then placed the sole of her boot against the pool's wall before pushing off of it with all her might as she swam toward the octopus 

Sanji's gaze moved along with Nojiko as she swam past him making him raise an eyebrow before his eyes widened when he saw the octopus 

"Octopus-Fritter Frenzy!" Hachi yelled out as he swung all six of his fists simultaneously hit the water while Najiko appeared between him and Sanji as she opened her arms 

"Noji—" Sanji's hand flew over his mouth to stop him from speaking 

"Ah!—" Hachi's own eyes widened when he was kicked forward making him crash into the bottom of the ocean 

'That was close...'  (Y/n) thought as she swam closer to Nojiko who stared at her in shock 'What the...'  (Y/n)'s eyes then moved to Hachi whose body slowly swam up to the surface as blood circled around his body 'That idiot swordsman...'  (Y/n) wanted to chuckle as she saw the beaten up octopus 

Sanji then quickly swam toward Luffy and shattered the stone at his feet sending a wave around them 

'I'm losing air'  (Y/n) thought as she watched Luffy's body go up to the surface before she swam toward Nojiko and wrapped her arm around her torso 'I need to get her out of here first...'  She thought but then her eyes widened when her body snapped in place as it gave up under her 'Shit...'

Sanji's arms then wrapped around (Y/n)'s and Nojiko's bodies as he quickly swam up 

"Ah!" Nojiko gasped for air as Sanji chocked out the little drops of water that were stuck in his throat 

"You two ladies alright?" Sanji asked as he looked between them with heavy breaths

"Y-Yeah, Thanks Sanji" Nojiko smiled as the blonde unwrapped his arm from around her "How is she?" 

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