Chapter 12

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Allowing herself to turn around (Y/n)'s eyes narrowed at the figure of a man standing on the very top of the hill, His face didn't look happy nor pleased as he glared down at nobody in particular

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Allowing herself to turn around (Y/n)'s eyes narrowed at the figure of a man standing on the very top of the hill, His face didn't look happy nor pleased as he glared down at nobody in particular.

"No! I-I... I can explain!" Jango shook in place almost forgetting the enemy before him

Fixing his glasses Klahadore- Or rather Captain Kuro glared down at them "Night is long gone now" Everything was so quiet as he spoke, "So it seemed odd that the plan wasn't making any progress..." He muttered, Knuckles turning white from how hard he tightened his fists

"C-Captain Kuro!"

"We're dead!"

Turning around from his fight, Zoro looked up at Kuro from underneath his bandana

"This can't get any worse..." Muttered the long nose

"We're doomed..." Nami whispered from beside him

"To think that these brats have held you back..." Dropping the bag that Kuro held in his left hand, He fixed his glasses with the palm of his hand "How the Black Cat Pirates have fallen..." He muttered under his breath, A vein popping on his forehead before looking at the current Captain "Right... Jango?!" He screamed, Voice echoing in the nearby area as the ground trembled from it

A wave of shock went through Jango as he stood there frozen in fear "B-B-But..." He tried to find the right words while breathing heavily and unevenly like he ran a mile "You said letting that kid go wouldn't cause any problems!" He called before pointing at Usopp who looked like his soul left his body

"Yes, I did say that" Kuro's calm voice made everyone uneasy "But so what? We knew he was gonna try and stand up to us" The long nose looked with worry at the fake butler "The only thing I didn't count on..." His eyes turned angry and his voice became louder making the Pirates flinch "...Was your guys' FEEBLENESS!"

"U-Us?" Jango looked at his Captain with shock "Feeble?" Lowering his head the Hypnotist clenched his jaw

"Feeble?" Whispered (Y/n) under her breath while turning with shock to look at Kuro

'What kind of Captain is he'  Blood started boiling in her veins as she stared down the butler who didn't seem to pay any mind to her

"Who're you calling FEEBLE?!" Siam shouted in anger, His body shaking with rage.

"Watch what you say, CAPTAIN KURO" Butchie warned, Face red from anger.

The two played with their claws making Zoro turn back to them "Yeah, You were strong before-" Siam started talking, Completely ignoring the Swordsman who stood before them "-But that was three years ago!" Gritting his teeth he continued "It's not like we partied while you lived the easy life in the village!"

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