Chapter 43

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"Hey! I see the mystery mountain!" Luffy called out as he sat on the yard which the sails are tied to 

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"Hey! I see the mystery mountain!" Luffy called out as he sat on the yard which the sails are tied to 

"W-What?!" Usopp's eyes widened in shock as he stared at the scene while water dripped down his body from the rain "T-That's insanely huge!" 

"The entrance to the Grand Line..." Nami mumbled as she stood beside (Y/n) both of them in raincoats

"Hmh, It's big..." (Y/n) noted in thought "I never went through Reverse Mountain so you'll have to guide me on this one, Nami" She smiled at the Navigator 

"You got it!" Nami smirked as they low-fived each other 

"Where did you even get a raincoat?" Zoro raised his eyebrow as he glanced down at the ex-Marine who pulled the blue raincoat closer to her body 

"...None of your business" She mumbled and walked toward the front of the Merry where the steering wheel was and he wasn't

"I-I-I can't see the top because of the clouds!" Usopp said as he was still in shock as he stared up at the enormous mountain 

The wind was getting crazier and the rain was even wilder as the water hit the mountain with loud splashes while the Merry tipped from side to side as (Y/n) stumbled toward the steering wheel which she quickly grabbed and turned to straighten their ship

"Ah! We're getting sucked in!" Luffy screamed as the Merry jolted making him fall off the yard with his arms stretching as he bounced up and down as if he were a swing "We're gonna crash into the rocks if we keep going this way!" 

"The crack in that cliff..." Nami mumbled 

"Which way, Nami!" (Y/n) shouted as her grip tightened on the steering wheel 

"Keep going straight ahead!" 

"Are you serious?!" Usopp screamed with tears in his eyes "Don't listen to her (Y/n)! — No (Y/n)! No!" 

"Quit shouting at her!" Sanji scolded as he gripped the white railing beside Nami, making sure she wouldn't slip and fall 

"Is the canal the entrance?" Luffy asked as he jumped down onto the deck making it shake 

"Most likely," Nami said with a smile making Luffy smirk 

"This can't be for real..." Zoro said as he looked at the scene through goggles "The damn ocean really is flowing up the mountain!" 

"Yeah, this is an entrance... A nasty one, but still an entrance" (Y/n) smirked and pulled the hood of the coat over her head as raindrops fell all around them 

Looking up, (Y/n) saw a way through the mountain, the water was moving upwards against all laws of physics as gate frames with ancient ruins went all the way up to the top

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