Chapter 27

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The seagulls were flying high in the sky before a crow flew between them, The sky was colored a beautiful color of blue, And the sun was shining as the boat swam forward

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The seagulls were flying high in the sky before a crow flew between them, The sky was colored a beautiful color of blue, And the sun was shining as the boat swam forward

"We'll be there in... Half a day" Said (Y/n) after a bit of thought as she looked at the map in her hands "Maybe even less, Depending on the changing weather"

"What changing weather?" Yosaku asked just as a crow landed on (Y/n)'s shoulder "It's summer now"

"Huh...? Right sorry I'm out of it today" Admitted the (H/c) as she rubbed her forehead 

"Do you need a cold drink for your head, (Y/n)?" Sanji asked as he leaned against the inside of the boat

"No need, But thanks" Smiled the female to which Sanji erupted into a blushing mess 

"The wheater is so great!" Cheered Luffy as he jumped off the nose of the boat and ran around the boat "Is the Grand Line far, Far away that way?" He wondered while looking over the board next to (Y/n) who was still looking at the map in thought 

"Or is it maybe this way?" He asked with a huge smile while running to the other end of the boat

"Whoa" The boat shook from side to side as the Straw Hat ran around

"This way? This way?" He asked while running toward different sides of the boat "This is so exciting!"

"Alright alright" Just as Luffy ran past the (H/c) she swiftly caught him by the collar "Times out, First we'll get Nami and then we'll go to the Grand Line" She reminded as he looked at her from over his shoulder "Can you sit still for a while longer? If the boat shakes too much we might flip over" She said while sweat dropping

"Sure!" He smiled at her happily before sitting at the front of the boat with his legs crossed "So how long until we get to Nami?" He asked

"Weren't you listening?" Sanji sweat dropped with a glare 

"You guys are soft-minded!" Yosaku shouted all of a sudden as he looked between the three while (Y/n) raised her eyebrow "Too soft-minded! DON'T YOU GET IT?!" He shouted while pointing at Luffy "Minute by minute, We're heading right for the infamous Arlong!" 

Gripping his knees Yosaku shook in fear as (Y/n) sat down next to him "Big Sis Nami is planning to take down Arlong..." He muttered quietly "And collect his twenty million bounty, She might already be inside his compound as we speak!" 

To that Luffy just yawned loudly before turning to Sanji with a smile 

"Well, Let's have some food!" He said to which Sanji smirked

"Yeah, What would you like (Y/n) dear?"


Yosaku's sudden screams made (Y/n) jump in her seat 

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