Bonus I

170 11 15

Chan got excited. He could spot the ocean as he looked out the window. It felt like he could already smell the sea salt.
»Oh Binnie, thank you so much«
He turned back to smile brightly at Changbin who was driving him to the coastline.
»You deserve this vacation, hyungie«
Changbin briefly met his eyes before focusing on the road again.
As always, he seemed to be in an optimistic mood causing Chan to feel even brighter.

Chan loved the sea as it reminded him of his childhood back in Australia. The beaches here in Korea weren't quite the same but Chan was more than grateful for Changbin surprising him with this wonderful vacation to Jeju island.

The last few weeks weren't exactly easy. Making everything work and adjusting to each other was so new but it had been worth it every second.
Chan still spent his days at the gym working and helped Changbin with his music projects in the evenings. He was okay with all of it but Changbin insisted he took a break which is why he booked a trip for the two of them to celebrate their six-month anniversary.

Chan opened the window to take in as much of the sea breeze as he could while they waited in line for the ferry. He could really smell it now if he drowned out the car fumes around them. Eventually, the ferry took them to their destination and Chan got more and more enthusiastic with each second.

»I'm so happy to see you like this«
Changbin opened the car door for him as they arrived at their vacation home.
A path of gravel led up to the small beach house. Changbin carried all of their luggage at once even when Chan asked to help several times.
The house had crisp white walls decorated with blue tiles along the side to match the ocean right nearby. Greenery separated it from other houses down the street and surrounded it with privacy while integrating it into the scenery.

Changbin must have found a hidden gem on booking websites, at least Chan hoped he hadn't spent too much money on this.
As Chan stepped inside he was greeted by a light and airy interior with big windows allowing sunlight to flood the open room concept. Modern wooden furniture made it feel both cozy and contemporary. Potted plants matched the green outside and beaded curtains brought in the beach feeling.

Changbin set down their bags and hugged Chan from behind who was taking in the stunning view right onto the sea.
»All of this will be just ours for the weekend«
Changbin calmly spoke before placing several kisses on Chan's neck.
»I love you, Binnie«
Chan was overwhelmed by adornment for the man making all of this possible.
He turned around to hold his face then placed a big kiss on his lips before bursting out in excitement and hugging him tightly.

Changbin smiled back at him and Chan could see relief in his eyes. He was probably happy that his lover was happy. The thought of being so important flustered Chan.
He spoke up before it got too obvious.
»I'll look for the swimming stuff in our bags, let's get down to the beach already«
»Whatever you say, my love«

The water was cold on Chan's skin, the exact right amount of refreshment in those immense temperatures.
He let the waves crash against his body while Changbin was still busy setting up all of their stuff at the beach. Changbin layed out two towels perfectly next to each other and Chan smiled to himself as he watched him struggle to open a big parasol.
Once he finally got done, Chan gestured for him to come over and Changbin hesitantly followed.
»It's too cold«
He whined as he sat one foot into the water.
»No it's just right! Come on tough guy, you can do it«
Chan splashed some water at his boyfriend and suddenly he stopped complaining. Changbin quickly got in the water to take revenge splashing back twice as much. Chan only laughed and allowed Changbin to swim close despite the attack.
He took Changbin's hand and felt complete.
»Isn't the ocean so beautiful?«
He viewed over the water that sparkled in the sunshine.
Chan felt so lucky to have his lover with him to share this wonderful sight.

Chan could have continued enjoying the water for hours and Changbin left him alone after a while. The younger man stayed at shore to build a sandcastle which got knocked down by waves when the tides came in. He later found entertainment by talking to tiny crabs he found in the sand but ran away screaming when one of them got too close to him.
Chan liked watching him from afar but eventually got out of the water as well to be close to him again.

»There are people playing volleyball over there, should we go join them, Binnie?«
Chan sat down on his towel where his lover was already waiting. Changbin couldn't keep his hands off for a second and snuggled up against him as soon as he got the chance to.
»You're way too good at team sports, these strangers wouldn't have a chance«
Chan let Changbin hold him.
»You're just scared of the possibility of having to play against me«
Changbin kissed his cheek before replying.
»Maybe I just like having you all to myself«
Chan gladly took that as a valid point.

Normally it was hard for Chan to let go of work and just relax for a while but this location paired with Changbin's presence helped him to feel calm. Just laying with his boyfriend and taking in the sun felt heavenly and Chan felt truly at peace for the first time in a while.
When they eventually did get bored Changbin took Chan for a walk along the promenade. Countless little tourist shops lined up along the path. The two loverboys tried different snacks and even got some souvenirs to take home.
Changbin also made sure to buy lots of Jeju's famous oranges as souvenirs and already started to come of with recepies to try out with them.

In the evening they headed back to the beach to watch the sunset.
While the ocean sparkled in gold and orange, Chan thought back to how far the two of them had come. How an unexpected crush turned into such a deep connection.
Changbin was Chan's best friend and the sweetest lover. He was strong and protective but also so incredibly cute. He knew how to handle things but didn't hesitate to ask for help when needed.
Chan loved his honesty and the way Changbin kept him grounded.

The air got a little colder and they headed back to their temporary home. Chan took off his flip-flops and shook the sand off before stepping inside. He didn't expect a vacation day to make him this tired.
Lucky for him, Changbin was already starting to prepare a meal. Chan was looking forward to his cooking but wanted to take a shower first.

As he felt the water trickle down his skin, Chan thought about how he could reward Changbin for this beautiful day. Maybe it was all of the summer heat getting to him but there had been something on his mind; A special way to make this day feel complete.
Chan grinned to himself as he fantasized about Changbin whining under his touch in these white beach house sheets.

He left the bathroom to find Changbin already setting the table, delicious smells filled the room.
They ate together and when the time came they settled into bed. Changbin was already keen on cuddling up close to Chan.
And of course, Chan was already keen on fulfilling the daydreams he had earlier in the shower.
That night he made sure Changbin felt at least as much love as Chan had received during the entire day.
And they still had two more days ahead of them. Chan felt proud as he eventually started drifting off to sleep after making sure Changbin saw stars. He felt pleased and thought that maybe they could stay in tomorrow to admire the ocean from afar and to keep going what he had started tonight.
Anything was fine for him as long as he was with Changbin.
As he could hear waves crash far away, he felt fulfilled and excited for what the next days could bring.

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