Part 33

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Chan found himself in a magical place.
He had ended up on a tall hill, viewing over all of the sparkling city lights at night, standing right next to Changbin.
He had a long day at work and maybe it would have been better to just go home but he just couldn't leave the man's side.
He thought back to how they had even ended up here when he remembered; there was no going back as soon as they met again when his shift was over;

»Oh wow. That's a really nice car you have«
Chan had said when they entered the parking garage together.
»It's a Hyundai Ioniq 6«
Chan didn't really know much about cars.
To him, it was just a blueish-black Hyundai.
An expensive-looking one. A bit more luxurious than the cars you'd usually see bustling on the street all day.
»It's a shame I don't really use it often. Public transport is just more efficient in this area, right?«
Chan agreed. He never bought a car, for that exact reason. He just didn't need one with the reliable metro system.
But he did kind of enjoy being driven around by Changbin.

»The city lights are so pretty at night«
Chan had felt mesmerized by the beautiful moment. He felt at ease whenever he was with Changbin.
»I know some areas with even prettier views, if you want to go for a longer drive«
»Like right now?«

Chan had remembered to stop by at his apartment to bring home the flowers. Right after, Changbin had kept his promise and took him to see the most stunning views of the city.
Chan had felt so important at that moment.
It was so sweet of Changbin to spend so much of his time with him.

Chan had started to feel brave from all of the attention he had gotten. And when Changbin drove with one hand on the steering wheel, laying the other down in the middle between their seats, Chan took the opportunity to touch him.
He brushed over his fingers and layed his own hand over the other's, viewing him to see if he would react.
And he did, he smiled the sweetest smile while keeping his eyes on the road.
Chan had felt so special.
He had enjoyed every second of being Changbin's passenger princess and he enjoyed getting to hold him even more. For a moment it had felt as if Changbin was all his.

»I saved the best for last«
Changbin had spoken calmly but Chan could make out a hint of excitement in his voice.
The man had only smiled as he drove the two of them closer to the city's outskirts.
Chan had seen trees and greenery pass by when the car suddenly got slower.
They had come to a stop in a parking lot by the side of the road on a hill.
»It seems a bit underwhelming now but just trust me«
Changbin had quickly gotten out of the car and went around it to open the passenger door.
Chan couldn't help but get excited over every little act of kindness towards him.

When he got out of the car Chan started to see the true beauty of the place he had been taken to. The greenery around them parted perfectly to reveal a stunning view of the city at night.
Chan had stepped closer to the edge, only a wooden fence keeping safety from a steep slope behind it. He could hear cars rushing by on the busy road behind them as he saw tiny lights flying across the city before them.
Changbin was more quiet than usual.
Wordless he came closer and gently put one arm around Chan's waist. He seemed to be taking in the view as well.
Chan was surprisingly calm at the exciting touch. It just felt right.

And that was how the both of them had gotten here. Chan's heart fluttered as he thought back to all of the kindness he had received today.
»This spot is easy to overlook but the view is stunning right?«
Changbin calmly spoke up.
Chan looked to his side and saw an even more stunning view in the form of the man he had been crushing on.
Changbin's hair partially covered his eyes but Chan could still clearly see the beauty of his face.
He felt as if he was in a cheesy romance drama; the words "you're even more stunning" resonating through his mind.
He was too nervous to say something flirty; too mesmerized by the moment to even say anything at all.

The breeze around them was quite chilly but Chan felt at peace even in the cold.
He watched Changbin as he viewed over the shiny skyline. He looked amazed but calm.
Chan loved seeing him happy more than anything.
The way his lips were curled up just a tiny bit to a faint but noticeable smile just looked so attractive. Chan felt so lucky to be standing by his side. He finally let himself loosen up and leaned into the other.
Changbin wrapped both arms tightly around his waist and held him from behind.
Chan felt safe.

»Do you like being like this with me?«
Changbin spoke up and his directeness was more surprising than the break of silence.
Chan smiled and then nodded.
Changbin giggled before seemingly deciding to get more teasing.
»You know, we were even closer once, right?«
Chan froze up for a second, he knew exactly what the other meant.
»I told you to forget about what happened at the party«
Chan was still embarrassed about initiating something so daring back then.
»I just can't«
A shiver ran through Chan's body but he decided this was a moment to be confident.
He gave back a brave smile.
»Well... do you want to relive it?«

Chan could see a sparkle light up in the other's eyes. It seemed like this was all he needed to grab Chan firmly and turn him around.
»With pleasure«
Chan could try to be confident all he wanted, but he would never get on Changbin's level.
He felt as his hair was brushed out of his face and then his cheek was cupped in the other's hand. Time slowed down as he came closer and finally placed his lips on Chan's so gently. With way more care than back then.
It felt way more real.

Chan began questioning his feelings all over again at that moment.
He had been so sure about only liking women for his entire life. But then again who wouldn't fall for a man like Changbin? He was so athletic, confident, and energetic; and at the same time caring, sweet, and charming.

Changbin lifted his lips away from the connection and Chan already started to miss the feeling.
He slowly let his hands travel onto the other's shoulders to pull him in once more.
There was a certain thrill to it feeling so forbidden when their lips touched again.
Chan never wanted to let go again.

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