Part 4

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For a second, Chan felt like he could actually feel the headwind against his body while running on the treadmill.
He was running alongside Changbin today.
It was a common method for him to train together with the client to make them feel more comfortable and keep them motivated.

It was Chan's fourth or fifth appointment with Changbin today and the nervousness started to resolve itself. Chan had decided he needed to speak to Changbin again and make his goals clearer in previous meetings. They managed to settle for precise objectives and were able to work out a program to achieve them.

Chan kept an eye on Changbin while jogging.
His posture was perfect and his pace steady.
He seemed like he was running so effortlessly.
»Let's speed it up a bit«
Chan made sure to stay focused on his client while instructing him to go faster. After all, it was his job to analyze his condition during the workout.
He noticed the man's breathing getting heavier when the speed increased. Changbin liked to work out shirtless which made it easier for Chan to observe his chest movement.

Not only his arms were thick and strong, but his whole upper body was also perfectly muscular.
Chan needed to monitor his client's posture while running but couldn't stop himself from admiring his great proportions. Everything from his legs to his shoulders looked so toned.
Chan caught himself losing focus again.
He hoped the nervousness wouldn't distract him anymore but it seemed like he still wasn't as concentrated as he wanted to be.

»I think that's enough on the treadmill for now«
»Really? I could go on for miles«
Chan tried to switch their environment in an attempt to get his focus back but Changbin was way too motivated.
»Save up some of that energy, I've still got some exercises in mind for today«

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