Part 24

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Chan was more than excited while heading for the park early in the morning.
He was proud of himself for coming up with the idea to invite Changbin for an extracurricular workout; asking to go for a jog together on a Saturday was a fun activity but didn't make him sound desperate. Just perfect.

But then again, why did the perfect invitation suddenly matter so much? Chan wondered why it had made him so nervous to ask.
Well, he couldn't just ask him to come over or hang out without a specific reason. That would just be kind of weird. But also, that's just what friends do, right? There doesn't always have to be a reason. Does that mean, his excuse was too obvious? That would only make him seem even more weirder. Well, it wasn't even fully an excuse, it was...

Chan didn't realize the only weird thing was him constantly questioning his own behavior and even his thought process. He promised himself so many times he would just stay cool from now on but every time he just went back to overthinking.

»Hey there«
He heard Changbin call and all of the negativity faded at once.
The man greeted him with a forceful pat on the back and Chan came back to reality.
»Hey Changbin, it's good to see you«
»The weather is so nice, this was a great idea«
Chan felt relieved.
»So, are you ready?«
»Of course«
Changbin seemed to be as motivated as always.

They started jogging together and Chan was happy to lead the way. Changbin explained he wasn't in this area a lot so Chan was excited to show him the paths he usually ran at.
It took them a while to get tired and surprisingly Changbin was closer to giving up first.
While his specialty was usually muscle strength, he wasn't as good as Chan in cardio.

»Come on, we still have a bit ahead of us«
Changbin looked really exhausted but Chan wasn't going to let him quit this easily. Well of course it wasn't all just for motivation, he was also trying to tease the other a bit.
Their path led them uphill for a while and Changbin looked like he was running out of breath. Chan was starting to feel a little bad for him when suddenly the other reached out and held onto his arm.
»If you're going to brag about your cardio skills, you can just pull me with you. Should be easy for you right?«
Now Changbin was the one teasing.
Chan smiled to himself, he knew he kind of enjoyed it. And he liked holding the other close even more.
»No problem, of course. But only until we're over this hill«

Changbin held tightly onto Chan's hand until they had reached their destination, same spot where they had started.
The other let himself fall onto a nearby park bench while Chan stood next to him, trying to look unbothered. Secretly, he was very exhausted as well but of course, he couldn't admit that, especially after the teasing earlier.

Changbin groaned while he stretched his arms excessively across the whole bench.
»You did really well today«
In the past, Chan had noticed how much praising helped the other improve.
»I really exceeded my limits, I think«
»That's a good thing though, as long as you don't overdo it too much. Today seemed just right«
Changbin nodded before his expression faded to a playful smile.
»So... what do I get as a reward?« 
Chan was surprised but decided to go along.
»Well, do you have anything in mind?«

Changbin paused for a second like he was hesitating but then he spoke confidently.
»I want to come to your apartment again«
He sounded kind of cute.
Of course, Chan wouldn't say no but he was still curious as to why the other would request this.
»Last time I was there, it felt so cozy«
»You're just saying that cause it's so small compared to your house«
Changbin smiled but shook his head.

»I liked how you took care of me last time«
Chan got flustered but tried his best to keep his composure.
»I can't guarantee that will happen again«
Changbin paused for a moment again. Chan noticed the second his expression changed he had seemingly found the right reply.
»Anything's fine as long as I can be with you, hyung«

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