Part 30

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»I need to show you something«
Changbin spoke up after a while.
»Sure, what is it?«
Chan spoke softly. He had gotten so sleepy after just laying here while being held so gently.
He couldn't tell how much time had passed.
It was dark outside but it had already been like that before he had closed his eyes.
Chan couldn't hear music playing anymore and he wasn't sure if he had dozed off for a while.

Changbin carefully tried to get up and Chan moved to let him.
»Come with me, please«
Changbin smiled and held one of his hands out.
Chan blinked a few times before taking his hand. He was gradually pulled up.
Changbin started walking while still holding onto Chan's hand, pulling him along gently.

Together, they reached a door Changbin had only briefly mentioned but not opened in his previous house tour.
It was the door to his bedroom.
»Don't get the wrong idea«
Changbin came closer to him to whisper and Chan could feel his entire body freeze up.
He instantly knew what the other meant but was kind of scared to think about it.
His tension only grew as Changbin opened the door and turned on the pink LED lights.

»You can sit if you want«
Changbin pointed towards his bed close to the wall. Chan was too busy trying to tune out a thought that kept reoccurring in his mind.
He felt autopiloted as he sat down on the soft springy mattress as Changbin suggested.
»Here's what I wanted to show you«
Only now, Chan spotted the desk on the other side of the room, even though it was pretty big and hard to miss.
On top of the desk sat two monitors, a keyboard, headphones, and a microphone on a stand. Further to the side, Chan could recognize some of the technology he himself had been using years ago. Changbin had an enviable producing setup, complete with gadgets of brands Chan's teenage self could only dream of.
He could only let out an admiring "wow" while Changbin sat down in the chair by his desk and booted up his computer.

»I just wanted to show you what I've been working on. Don't get your expectations up too high tho«
Changbin started to ramble a bit while his programs were loading, while Chan stayed silent. He was still feeling a bit overwhelmed by nostalgia.
»My specialty is more in writing lyrics but I started making some beats a while ago«
Changbin made a few clicks and various files popped up. Chan got up without thinking, trying to get a closer look.
He stared at the screen, desperately looking for that feeling of joy he once felt while working with similar programs.

Changbin noticed his interest and started explaining about the different sites he used and what kind of mediums he preferred.
Chan listened closely and nodded along silently. He leaned closer with his hands on the desk and read through all of the file names.
Then Changbin grabbed his headphones and opened one of the files.
»It's one of my favorite little snippets I've made so far«
He clicked on play and Chan could hear some of the lower notes and different percussion instruments quietly breaking through the headphones Changbin was holding.
The other put them on to listen to the tune himself while Chan watched him.

»It's not finished yet, but do you want to give it a listen?«
Before Chan could nod, he could feel a hand on his waist. Changbin seemed to be all caught up in his music, but he pulled Chan down onto his lap.
Chan didn't know how to react.
He froze up again.

Changbin took the headphones off and put them onto Chan's head.
Chan's tense body quickly felt more at ease when the music started soothing him.
The beat he heard was very calming with a chill baseline, accompanied by a fast but steady high-hat. It had an undertone of a springy melody, putting a bit of playfulness into it.
An experimental but well-executed combination.

Without saying anything, Chan reached out to grab the mouse so he could adjust the tune in one part of the melody.
He was so focused, he almost didn't notice how Changbin started to wrap his arms around him from behind. He was just excited about being allowed to mess with the beat for a bit without being stopped.
He adjusted some more setting when he suddenly could feel Changbin's head on his neck from behind.
»Let me hear what you're doing«
He whispered and gently pulled one side of the headphones from Chan's ear.
Changbin got even closer and rested his own face against Chan's to listen in.
»Sounds alright«

Chan wanted to go on and pretend like it wasn't a big deal but he had lost all of his focus.
He suddenly felt so small, especially as he found himself in Changbin's arms again.
»I didn't mean to interrupt you, go on«
Chan tried to pull himself together when he heard Changbin giggle behind him.
It became clear to him now, that the other was doing this on purpose.
He looked back to meet his eyes.
Changbin gave him an innocent look.

It was at this point Chan asked himself how he ended up in this situation.
Just weeks ago the two of them had nothing more but a work-related relationship.
But out of nothing more had turned so much more so quickly.
Chan's breath shortened.
He was doing this on purpose.
Chan couldn't help but question it.
Why was he doing this?

He must have been quiet for too long.
»Are you alright?«
»I'm tired«
Chan quickly responded without much thought.
»Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kept you awake for that long«
Changbin let go of Chan's upper body.
»It's fine. It was worth it«
Chan managed to catch his breath and got more confident again. He got up from the chair leaving Changbin behind sitting there alone.
The moment with him did feel nice but it was a bit too much too quickly.

»You can sleep here if you want, I'll leave you alone«
Chan was about to agree when pictures started to resonate in his mind.
Thoughts of the both of them cuddling so peacefully, just earlier today or last time when Changbin was over at his apartment.
Maybe he could have the same thing again.

He really wanted it.
After all...
it was probably love.

»You can stay«
Changbin looked up at him a bit conflicted so Chan added a »Please?«
Chan felt like he had confused the other with how he had behaved just now.
He was almost panicking just a few minutes earlier and Changbin had possibly noticed.
But Chan was sure things would be fine this time if he was just a bit more in control.
He really really wanted it this time.
Changbin's teasing smile came back and Chan got excited. He tried hard not to let it show too much.

Chan was about to head for the bed again when Changbin spoke up.
»Oh do you need anything different to wear to sleep, by the way?«
Changbin looked him up and down.
Chan realized his jeans would probably be uncomfortable to sleep in.
»You can borrow some of my clothes if you want«
The other went to open his closet to let Chan choose, but the grey hoodie Changbin was wearing caught Chan's attention first.
It felt so soft when he was allowed to lay on it earlier. Chan stopped himself from asking to borrow it just in time when he realized how weird that would sound.
Instead, he picked a different hoodie and a pair of shorts from the closet.

They got changed in the same room together, which wasn't that big of a deal.
They often changed in the locker room at the gym together and Chan just naturally avoided looking at the other.
Changbin's clothes felt refreshing on Chan's skin. He felt as if he had just taken a shower; so comfortable.
Chan let himself fall onto the bed.
He felt really tired at this point and the bedsheets catching his body made him ready to fall asleep.

For a short second, he had even forgotten Changbin was still there with him, up until the other got into bed right next to him.
»Thanks for keeping me company today«
Changbin had turned off the lights but Chan could see him smile.
He looked really cute like this. It felt exciting when their eyes met.
»Thanks for letting me stay here«
Chan only had the energy to whisper back.
He was too tired to overthink, he was just happy to be here.
He carelessly got close to Changbin, brave from sleep deprivation.
Sleepy but satisfied, he let Changbin's arms wrap around him.
Maybe the other really wanted this as well.
Chan couldn't even focus on his own feelings but he definitely enjoyed the peaceful moment.
He wanted to return the touch but sleep overcame him before much more could happen.

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