Part 25

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Of course, after Changbin's last statement, there was no going back.
Chan found himself in the hallway unlocking his front door with Changbin right behind him again.

»What's the dog's name?«
»The code. Last time you said it was your dog's birthday«
Chan was surprised Changbin would remember a detail like that.
»Oh, right! Her name is Berry«
He got excited. Chan loved talking about anything that reminded him of his family and Changbin seemed to notice. He began asking more questions as they entered the apartment together.

»You came here at a young age right?«
»Yeah. I think I was like 13 when I moved here. The schools in Seoul had a program I really liked. I'm glad my parents supported me with that but I wish I had spent more of my youth back home«
»Oh, yeah. I understand. You must have not seen your family a lot... Do you have any siblings by the way?«
»Yes, a brother and a sister. I'm the eldest«
»Oh really?«

Their conversation flowed easily, as if they came home together every day. It just felt like such a perfect routine, Chan wished every day could be like this.
He watched as Changbin took his shoes off and put them to the side next to the entrance. It stood out to him because there was a spot left, right between Chan's several pairs of black sneakers and the entrance door, where Changbin's shoes fit perfectly.

»Do you want to eat?«
»I'm not really hungry right now«
»Alright, but I'll cook something later«
Changbin sat down on the couch that was already familiar to him. He seemed a bit tired but still cheerful.
»Do you like cooking?«
»Not that much to be honest. I just do it to keep a healthy diet«
Chan scurried through his apartment, briefly tidying up, now that he had a guest over.
»You're so obsessed with health and all that stuff«
»Am I?«
Chan slowed down a bit. He took a second to think before going on.
»Well it's kind of my job, and I apply many things I learned in schooling to my own habits...
Don't worry, I won't take it too far though, I'm trained to recognize different limits«
Changbin smiled reassuringly.
»Of course, I trust you with that.
But it must also be stressful to keep up with this lifestyle right? I mean, especially because this is your job, you're continuously stuck in this health-focused mindset«

Chan was surprised their conversation had gotten so deep in such a short time, but he felt like he could talk about anything with Changbin. He stopped what he was doing and sat down on the couch as well.
»Well, I'm passionate about this but you're right, it's a lot sometimes. But it's really manageable because I get some distraction and variety when I spend time with my friends«
Changbin nodded.
»Well, you're mostly hanging out with me lately«
Chan looked over to meet Changbin's eyes.
»I mean... yeah?«
»It's my duty then to keep you from stressing over work«
He smiled proudly so Chan wanted to play along.
»Well, so far you're doing a great job at it«
Changbin giggled and then hit Chan's arm... with a tiny bit more than just playful strength.

It didn't hurt bad but Chan still acted like it did.
Changbin smiled sweetly before wrapping himself around the arm he had just hit.
The gentle touch surprised Chan even more than the previous attack.
He got flustered but tried to stay confident.
He wasn't really able to think clearly but a sudden memory of a thought rushed through his head.

Only yesterday he had come to terms with something. Back on the train, he concluded; if things ever went anywhere with Changbin, he wouldn't feel like he should try to prevent it. He wasn't even too sure what that thought meant, since he didn't want to speculate much further.
But maybe right now it had come to a situation that could... go somewhere?

And Chan was right, he really didn't want to stop it. He felt the man's body closely next to his, the fabric of their clothes touching as Changbin went on to joke about something Chan didn't even hear.
He laughed and Chan could feel his chest rising.
Chan didn't know how to feel. He hated how he got excited over something so little. He hated it but he also loved the feeling; the sudden rush of happiness caused by something so insignificant.

He must have been focused on it for too long, because Changbin started looking a little concerned.
»Are you okay?«
Chan just smiled and the other took it as a sign to hold him closer.
It felt fine but a little overwhelming.
»Do you want to watch a movie or something?«
Chan just searched for anything to do at this point, since he couldn't bear any silence for even a second right now.
»Sure, but I'll pick one«

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