Part 35

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Chan couldn't stand the heat on his skin anymore. Not even the sweat from an intense workout helped to cool him off.
Just having Changbin next to him sent waves of warmth through his veins.
Chan wondered if anyone around them at the gym could sense his attraction towards Changbin.
His coworkers would tease him endlessly if they knew.

He glanced over at his crush and met his eyes, sending shivers through his legs; he almost lost his balance.
He quickly looked away but Changbin still caught him.
»Staring again?«
Again? The man probably knew all along how much Chan had been eying him all this time.
»I wasn't«
He definitely was. Changbin just made weightlifting look so easy, it was astonishing.

»You sure?«
Changbin layed down the weight he had been lifting and Chan could barely catch his breath.
He had a feeling his strength was about to be tested.
Chan also stopped his exercise as Changbin got dangerously close.
He felt a hand on his waist, only the thin fabric of his shirt stopping Changbin from directly touching his skin.
Chan could still feel the contact distinctly.
He wondered how many people could see them right now. He had never felt this anxious in public before. Just this simple touch was way more than he could handle.
It was just so different from anything he had ever felt before.

Changbin brushed through Chan's hair.
He was just so dreamy. It felt so much more right than any girl Chan had been with before.
He felt as if the two of them were all alone in the room, only surrounded by space and suns and stars. And at the same time, Chan felt a thousand eyes on him, watching his every move as Changbin's distance got alarmingly small in seconds.
It was way too much.
»Did I allow you to pause your work-out?«
He finally brought himself to speak up and even managed to sound kind of confident.
With that, Changbin winked and stepped away. He went back to his exercise as if nothing had happened, leaving Chan behind puzzled.

Later Changbin spoke up again.
»Can I take you home with me today?«
He chose his words so well, Chan got flustered.
He barely managed to answer.
Chan still felt so nervous with Changbin.
He thought the both of them were somehow on a weird stage right now. They couldn't deny what was happening between them but neither of them had determined where everything would lead to yet. Chan didn't have the guts to speak on it but he realized he wanted things to go a step further.
He wanted Changbin all for himself.

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