Part 27

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Chan quickly felt a rush of emotions when he woke up the next morning and Changbin was still close to him. Maybe even a bit closer than when he fell asleep.

Chan felt many different things at once but he could identify one of the most prominent emotions. He definitely felt lucky.
Lucky to have this bond with Changbin.
It truly felt lovely.

Chan looked around. His room wasn't exactly clean but the sunrays through the window managed to paint it in a pretty warm light.
He took an extra deep breath as he once again let himself be pulled deeper into the bed sheets.

Chan tried not to move a lot but Changbin still woke up soon after him.
Chan watched him closely.
He looked a bit confused when he first opened his eyes. It looked like the sun was a little too bright for him. He quickly closed them again and muzzled his face against Chan's chest from the side while tightening his grip.

Chan still felt a bit nervous at every touch but he decided to just enjoy the moment.
He didn't care anymore about any second thoughts or hesitations.
He wasn't even sure what had been holding him back in the first place.

Maybe he just never wanted to admit to anything. Everything was easier if there wasn't much commitment behind it. Just seeing wherever things took him was Chan's usual approach to every relationship but with this one everything was different.
Chan really wanted things to go along.
He kept denying it but he realized he really really wanted this.

Chan let his hand slide up to the other's head and brushed through his hair.
»Did you sleep well?«
He whispered to match the volume of the quiet room.
Changbin sounded still half asleep.
Chan was happy he looked comfortable.

Chan was scared but allowed himself to let his hand slowly travel over the man's back.
He tried to take in the feeling as much as possible. He didn't notice any shifts in Changbin's body language so he assumed it was okay for him.
He gently brushed over the fabric of the other's shirt when Changbin suddenly started to groan softly.
»Oh yeah can you scratch my back right there?«
Chan reacted quickly and took the chance to slide his hand under the fabric, directly onto Changbin's skin.
Chan felt lucky to get such a perfect excuse to touch him.
It felt so much more intimate like this.
He scratched over the man's skin and Changbin started quietly humming in pleasure.
»Yesss right there«
Chan could feel his face burn. He knew he was turning hot red but he didn't care.
There wasn't even space to overthink in his brain, it was all just pure emotion.

He didn't want the feeling to stop but he also didn't know what more to say.
Staying quiet for this long started to feel a bit awkward.
»Are you hungry?«
»I'm always hungry«
Changbin replied softly. He sounded determined but still sleepy.
Chan was amazed by his ability to get hungry this quickly after waking up.
»Should I make some eggs for breakfast?«
»Sounds good«

Chan was about to head for the kitchen when Changbin spoke up again.
»You're always treating me so well when I'm here«
Chan wasn't sure what to say. He just liked caring for Changbin. It kind of came naturally.
»Next time, you'll have to come to my house so I can make it up to you«
Chan got curious when the other went on.
»So when's that going to be?«
»Maybe after my next appointment?«
»Alright then«

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