Farmer x Vampire oneshot 💜❤️

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I love these sillies sm I need to write them again 

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"Michi, why don't you tell me the drama at your school?" Muzan walked back into his room, making his way to his boyfriend who was sitting criss-cross-applesauce on his bed.

"Well, ...I'm helping with.. stage crew.. for the play this year..!" He hugged the plushie he was holding a little tighter, scooting towards Muzan as he sat down on the bed.

"Awhh, you're so helpful! But I meant drama as in, y'know, gossip!" He took a sip of the drink he just brought from the kitchen.

"Well.. I don't really gossip..." He also took a sip from Muzan's drink. "I don't know... what I could tell you..."

"Really? I'm sure you know something! I don't care what it is, I just want to hear!"

"Well, I guess.. I know this.. one story-"

"OOOOHH! TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME! I HAVE BEEN DYING TO KNOW WHAT HUMAN SCHOOL IS ACTUALLY LIKE!!" He repeatedly pushed his hands down on Michikatsu's knee, causing the two of them to bounce a little as Muzan showed his excitement. Sure, he's seen movies and studied his boyfriend's species, but things like that can never be accurate. He needs a primary source.

"Isn't it.. bad.. though...? To share... other's business...?" He hesitated.

"Technically, BUT- you'll be out of there soon! You won't be even going to school with humans anymore!" It was a miracle that he wasn't- It took them so long to convince Michikatsu's parents to let him go to college where Muzan's going, and then the application process was incredibly painful. The college was lowkey speciesest, in Muzan's opinion. "Nobody will know that you told, and I promise not to tell any humans!" He zipped his lips.

"Alright... I don't really know.. of any drama in my grade... but I overheard the younger members.. of stage crew talking.. about something that.. happened a few weeks ago.." Muzan nodded his head. "..So this guy.. he's like, really annoying.. he's loud, and he's really awful.. to women..."

"EWWW I hate guys like that."

"So... He's just staring at.. like every girl he sees... even though it's well known he has one girl.. he wants to date... It's really weird, ...she clearly doesn't like.. him... so anyways, he's staring at the girls... and they're all grossed out.. and stuff..."

"I would be too, a guy like that."

"..So they keep rejecting him.. and try to walk away, but.. he starts chasing them..!"

"OMG. This bitch needs to be humbled" He shook his head in disgust at this random human's actions.

"So then.. this girl, who's basically.. our school's off-brand.. Heather Chandler, walks in.. she's had enough with his.. actions.. so she and another girl... beat him up."


"..yeah, but.. the worst part, in my opinion... was that the girls.. got suspended.. and the boy.. didn't face... any consequences..."

(Bonus points to whoever guesses who the characters in the drama are!
Hint: They're all in the KNY universe.)

"That's literally sexist!"


"Human school sucks."

"It does.. I'm glad... I'll be out of it soon. ...I hope vampire school is better..."

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