What if Muzan and Koku knew each other as children? :3

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Set in the time that Muzan's cannon backstory is set

Ignore that Koku was born centuries after Muzan lol

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Muzan was NOT excited for today. His parents had invited some other nobles for random political reasons over to their house today. Muzan didn't want to have some randoms see him in his bedridden state- he knows that they'll just take pity on him. He doesn't want pity! What's worse is that they have a kid that they're bringing over. Muzan's Mother said that he must interact with him. Ugh.

The kid was a just few months younger than him, his mother said. But now that he was standing in Muzan's doorway, it didn't look as such. He was noticeably taller than Muzan, and definitely stronger than average. Muzan could tell from his clothes that he was from a samurai family. He looked at the floor past Muzan, not making eye contact.

"Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to come in?" Muzan said to the boy.

"Ah.. sorry." He said, walking into the room and sitting across from Muzan, legs folded atop each other and hands gracefully placed in his lap. He seemed to be nervous.

"What's your name? My mother did not inform me." Muzan pushed the strand of hair that was in his face behind his ear.

"Michikatsu.." He replied. "Uh... Your hair... is very pretty..." He said, admiring Muzan's long, curly hair, how it flowed over his shoulders, and complemented his skin and lavender eyes.

"Why thank you, Michikatsu. I'm Muzan, by the way, in case you didn't know." Michikatsu nodded. "Do you practice the sword?"

"I do.."

"Are you good?"

"Well, I... used to think so, ...but now, ..I'm not so sure.." He said with a slight sadness in his voice.

"And why is that?"

"Well.. The other day.. I was doing my lesson. ..I have a younger twin brother, Yoriichi.. He wanted to try training too.. so, the teacher told him how to hold the sword... and right away, he was leagues better than me.. I could never land a hit on the teacher... but he did it the first try... he was so fast.. I-..." He sighed. "I'm worried.. that once father finds out... that I will not... be able to train... anymore.. I'm worried... that I'll be.. replaced..."

"Oh, I see." Muzan looked at him for a moment. He couldn't help but feel a little bad for Michikatsu. "Well, you know that I'm a higher rank than you and your father, right?" He asked.

"Yes...?" Michikatsu responded. He was well aware, but he wasn't sure how it related to what he just said.

"So, I shall decree that you will not be replaced!" Muzan said, putting on his 'regal' voice.

"Thank you..! But, why..? We have only.. discussed.. for 5 or so.. minutes.." He inquired

"Well, even in those 5 minutes you've treated me as you should. You don't take pity on me like all the other adults and children I've met do. I like that. I like that about you."

"Oh, thank you..."

"Say, Michikatsu, will you come visit me again? In fact, will you visit me often?"

"Of course...!"

"I'm glad" He smiled.


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