Random things

310 10 16

Just random lil snippets that I've been thinking about, but I don't have full plots for 

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"Alright, Queerkoshibo, pack it up-" Akaza attempted to say under his breath, rolling his eyes. 

"Excuse me...? 'Queerkoshibo'..? What does that mean.." The upper one demon turned around, as he heard Akaza's remark. He felt that Akaza was being rude, but as he was unfamiliar with the term, he had to ask in order to make sure he takes the appropriate course of action. 

"You're clearly gay for Muzan- the way you're staring at him as he beredes us every meeting, you probably have a degradation kink too... No, scratch that, you probably just have a Muzan kink." 

"Gay..? Kink..? I do not understand." 

"Oh." Akaza realized he was in luck, he could be off the hook for his pretty blatant disrespect. There was nothing wrong with being gay of course, but Kokushibo probably wouldn't like him saying that he had a 'Muzan kink'. "Well gay is a synonym for homosexual, do you know what that means?" 

"I do not." 

"Okay, so everyone has something called a sexuality, which is a way of describing who one is attracted too. There are many different ones, like for example, I'm bisexual, meaning I like both men and women. Being gay can either refer to a gay man, a homoseuxal, or all queer people. A gay man is a man who likes men, a homosexual is a person who likes their same gender, and queer is a word that encompasses all sexualities, except straights." Akaza wasn't even going to try and get into gender and gender identity, he wasn't even sure Kokushibo was understanding what he was saying. "Do you get that?" 

"What do you mean by... 'like'... just any... person you have a positive... opinion on...?" 

"No- its people who you're attracted to. Y'know, romantically and/or sexually." 


"Here, think about it like this: you love Muzan-Sama, right?" 

"Yes.. very much so..." 

"So would you kiss him? Or have sex with him? Or have you perhaps already done so? You can be honest, I won't judge." Akaza was definitely judging, but he wasn't going to tell Kokushibo that. He couldn't understand why Kokushibo liked him so much. Sure, he was strong and pretty handsome, but he has a very short temper and seems to only really care about himself. Definitely not Akaza's type. 

"Oh- well, I..." Kokushibo blushed slightly. "Yes, I would.... and I have..." He mumbled, only audible for Akaza to hear. 

"Mm, I see." He knew it! "So that means you're a homosexual, because you and Muzan are both men." Akaza wondered if they were really in love....

"What.. shall I do.. with said information...?" 

"I don't know, go do something with Muzan-Sama." 

"Oh, okay.... And.. why did you call me... 'Queerkoshibo'..?" 

"Because I could see how much you liked Muzan." 

"Is it... that obvious...?" 


"Is that bad...?" 

"No! There's nothing wrong with any sexuality." Though he felt that there was something wrong with being in love with Muzan, he wasn't going to say that. He couldn't believe that those old men did... it. He didn't want to think about it. 

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