chapter 50 extra(4):Past Events 1-5

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  The ambiguity between Tang Jin and Song Yiyu has reached its extreme. Occasionally, their hands touch each other and their eyes meet inadvertently, making them blush and heartbeat.

  It may be the discomfort caused by the transition from friend to lover, or it may be that this relationship is different from the people around him. The feeling of about to break the taboo makes Tang Jin feel distracted and panicked.

  Maybe someone said something, or Tang Jin was too obvious. Tang Jin's parents began to make insinuations about the relationship between him and Song Yiyu. In the last contact with Song Yiyu, Song Yiyu said helplessly: "Tang Jin ...What should I do? My parents won't let me see you again...I'm afraid..."

  What do you mean"? What are you "afraid" of?

  Every word was hesitant to say, as if their relationship had been spinning. No one could take a definite step, but they were already under heavy pressure.

  Tang Jin didn't want to delay it any longer, nor did he want to hear Song Yiyu's trembling voice. In addition, there was something invisible urging him. This feeling was especially strong when he was opposite Xu Baichuan. He didn't dare to think about it, he just wanted to get rid of. He was distracted for several days and finally made up his mind to tell his parents clearly.

  He wants to come out, but he cannot come out with Song Yiyu.

  Song Yiyu's parents have become suspicious of the relationship between the two of them. Just seeing that they are currently preventing the two from meeting, you can tell their attitude towards this matter. He doesn't want Song Yiyu to be in trouble between his parents and him.

  If he comes out with others, maybe Song Yiyu's parents will relax their control over Song Yi, and they can slowly take advantage of it.

  Tang Jin always did everything from the perspective of minimizing the harm to Song Yiyu, so when Xu Baichuan suggested that he could play the lover who accompanies him when he comes out, he was pleasantly surprised and agreed. If he was rumored to be lovers with someone else, he might feel disgusted. If it was Xu Baichuan... that would be perfect!

  Thinking about it carefully, Xu Baichuan looked a little strange that day. He kept smiling lightly and looked a little tired, but he still cheered up and listened to him talk about everything he had with Song Yiyu. At that time, he was so carried away by the longing for the future that even if he noticed it, he forgot it in a flash.

This surprise did not last long and was replaced by regret. He did not expect that his parents would attack indiscriminately. When the hot tea was thrown with the tea set, he subconsciously helped Xu Baichuan to block it. Unexpectedly, such a gesture greatly angered him. The two elders, Tang Jin, suffered a lot of physical pain that day and were kicked out of the house again.

  Things did not develop as expected. Perhaps to nip things in the bud, or perhaps because they had already planned it, Song Yiyu's parents decided to send Song Yiyu out of the country, but Tang Jin, the would-be lover, did not make any resistance and even felt guilty, followed the arrangement.

  Tang Jin was extremely disappointed. He had done everything he could, and all he got in exchange was discarding. Song Yiyu didn't even say goodbye to him. A few days later, he learned the result from an overseas phone call.

  The sky is falling and the earth is falling.

  Is it true that if there is any real ambiguity between them, it is all fake? Are those blushing hearts and heartbeats not because they like each other? Isn't he worthy of Song Yiyu's confrontation with his parents? Could it be that he was just being sentimental all along?

  On the one hand, it was difficult for him to understand what Song Yiyu did, but on the other hand, he found that even so, he still could not let go of Song Yiyu, and could not help but fall into decadence, doubt and self-loathing.

  To make matters worse, Xu Baichuan, whom he had entrusted with all his trust, also betrayed him.

  It turned out that he had been planning for a long time, but in the end he was tricked into being the only one.

  He thought about his parents' suppression, and even thought that Song Yiyu would hesitate to move forward. He never thought that Xu Baichuan would betray him and stand by his parents' side.

  Fortunately, he also introduced Xu Baichuan as his confidant, but he didn't expect Xu Baichuan to use him as a stepping stone to curry favor with his parents. He was shocked, couldn't believe it, and asked Xu Baichuan over and over again if he was joking. Finally, all his trust and love turned negative the moment he learned the truth.

  The trust, closeness and love he had in the past all showed how stupid and ridiculous he was.

  What's even more ridiculous is that he still feels distressed every time he sees Xu Baichuan's bleak smile, and is actually shaken when he hears Xu Baichuan say he likes him.

  But hasn't Xu Baichuan been relying on these to lure him into the trap step by step?

  It's all hypocrisy, it's all about profit, it's all about acting...

  He never knew when this deception started. He had fallen into it once and lost everything. At least, he should not make the same mistake again and again - if he fell into it again, it would be really unforgivable.

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